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Splashdown: Parajumper

Splashdown went skydiving for the first time when he was just a teenager, and loved it. As soon as he turned 18, he joined the Air National Guard and soon transferred to the Parajumpers, based in San Diego, California. While working for the Parajumpers, he had an incredible success percentage, giving him national attention and the recognition of the President of the United States. When asked to join the Joe team, he at first refused, not wanting to stop being a Parajumper. When they informed him that his duties would be pretty much the same, as a part of Damage Control, he rethought his decision and joined up immediately. Splashdown went through the Joe training course with little difficulty and was the first member of Damage Control to sign up.

Splashdown: Parajumper

Parts Used:

Head: Tracker
Torso: Dusty '85
Arms: Dusty '85
Waist: Wild Weasel
Legs: Wild Weasel