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Street Hawk Set- Funskool

Now this set is obviously not as obscure as it once was now that the YoJoe Depot carries Indian made Funskool Joe items. But that's cool with me! If not for them, I wouldn't have this wonderful item!

In general, I somewhat shy away from the Funskool stuff. I have bought it in the past, and it is my impression that the quality is subpar, the paint jobs are lacking and the accessories are not as good. Well, looking at the assortment of stuff that YoJoe has gotten in, I am definitely partially right...but some of the stuff is downright COOL! Cheap, too! The minute I saw the Street Hawk Set, I just had to get it!

Now, when I was a kid, I actually watched and thouroughly enjoyed Street Hawk! I'm sure if I watched it now, I would most likely convulse and go into a coma or something, but still, it has nice memories for me. But that's not why I bought this set. This set is just plain COOL. I have recently become a Destro nut, and really dig the Iron Grenadiers. I have decided to try and build a decent IG army, and this TARGAT works perfectly as a squad leader! The black color scheme with silver highlights is a real nice compliment, remaining dark, but adding some zing as well. Not only that, but he's got the look of a leather clad superbike rider. A GREAT figure, especially coming from Funskool.

Then, there's the bike. It's a straight up RAM repaint minus the sidecar gatling gun, and works VERY well, in my opinion. The silver stickers are a little shoddy, but still cool and the black scheme is a beauty. It'll fit great riding side by side with a HISS 1 tank.

Personally, I would have bought the set for either the figure or the bike alone, but together, it is a really great piece! Both for play value and for having a nice little obscure foreign piece in your collection. For six bucks at the YoJoe Depot, it can't be beat!!

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