Before you read this Chapter...
I know, I're thinking 'Yeesh! I just want to read the dang chapter, not go through all these stupid hoops!' I know how you feel, but please bear with me. Over the past few days I've reread large chunks of my fanfic and decided the ch. 10-ch. 12 chunk was kind of odd. Ch. 11 stuck out like a sore thumb, and didn't really mesh with the other chapters. So I went through and completely revamped and rewrote a large hunk of Chapter Eleven-Revelations. I shortened the Chapter by half and removed the Shadow Ops storyline alltogether, because I didn't really think it fit with the rest of the story. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the Shadow Ops characters and I think the story was great, which is why at some point I will refine the original Chapter Eleven and present it as a stand alone Shadow Ops story. So, because of this little rewrite there are parts of Ch 12 that will not make much sense if you read the original Ch. 11 because it had to be altered to fit the new Ch. 11. Confused yet? I hope not. Basically, what I am saying, is before you read Chapter Twelve, please read Chapter Eleven over again to avoid being confused. Do not fear, the rest of the fanfic as it has been written so far meshes really well to me, so this should be the last note and rewrite you should have to worry about. For those of you who have been reading it all along, and have given me feedback, thanks a lot, every bit helps! For those of you who haven't given me feedback, well, what do you like or dislike? Let me know, so I can make this fanfic the best I possibly can.
Thanks again for bearing with these couple of rocky chapters, and I promise things will smooth out by Ch. 13. I hope you enjoy!
Now, without further ado:
Click Here For the revised Chapter Eleven: Revelations
Click Here for Chapter Twelve: A Small Victory