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17.- Eden & Cruz

Eden Tyler Capwell Cranston and Cruz Castillo


Date: 1st April 1988

Episodes # : 922 - 923

Location: In Pebble Creek (SB' third wedding on location <taped at The Stone Pine Resort in Carmel Valley, California>)

Guests: CC Capwell, Sophia Capwell, Kelly Conrad, Jeffrey Conrad, Ted Capwell, Tori Capwell, Mason Capwell, Julia Wainwright, Cain Garber, Carmen Castillo, Andrea Bedford, Gina Capwell and Keith Timmons.

The Ceremony: The ceremony was held by a reverend

Reception: The reception was at the interior of Pebble Creek Inn.

Honeymoon: Nobody knew where the married planned to go. They stayed secretly at Pebble Creek where they lived one of the most incredible adventures in their lives: a journey to the Past!

Status: After a lot of problems and adventures, they finally got married. But their marriage ended when Eden suffered a multiple personalities disorder and she left Santa Barbara in 1991. In 1992, Cruz received divorce papers and that moment was one of the saddest in his life.


18.- Gina & Keith

Gina Blake DeMott Capwell Capwell and Keith Timmons


Date: 27th May 1988

Episode # : 1006

Location: At the Santa Barbara's Church

Guests: Brandon Capwell, CC Capwell, Sophia Capwell, Eden Castillo, Cruz Castillo, Ted Capwell, Kelly Conrad # 2, T.J. Daniels and Father Michael Donnelly.

The Ceremony: The ceremony was held by Father Michael Donnelly

Reception: There was no reception

Honeymoon: The honeymoon was in Hawaii, but Keith had to come back to Santa Barbara, because Julia was about to discover one of his'business'.

Status: After being kidnapped by Frank, the milkman, Keith had to run to the Church and Gina did the same after attending a woman in a labour. At last they got married. But after several months, Keith had to leave Gina and Santa Barbara, because the police and Julia were behind him. He came back shortly in 1990, but Gina found true happines with Lionel Lockridge in 1992.


19.- Julia & Mason

Julia Wainwright and Mason Lamont Capwell


Date: November 1988

Episodes # : 1087 - 1088

Location: At the Capwell villa

Guests: CC Capwell, Sophia Capwell, Augusta Lockridge, Ted Capwell, Kelly Conrad, Eden Castillo, Jeffrey Conrad, Michael Donnelly, T.J. Daniels and Gina Timmons.

The Ceremony: The ceremony was held by Father Michael Donnelly

Reception: The reception was in the Capwell villa, but the wedding was cancelled.

Honeymoon: There was no honeymoon.

Status: The wedding was cancelled. Julia Wainwright discovered that Mason ( he had a double personality: Sonny) was unfaithful, and he bed Gina. Julia left Mason/ Sonny at the altar , and he left with tears in her eyes.