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The ALDEN Mansion

This stately winding staircase was designed and constructed by Loving's talented scene shop."It is literally two stories tall", said Boyd. Most often, it is used by characters eavesdropping on others down below. During a cocktail party, Deborah surprised Clay with this portrait of them. But shortly afterward, he had it taken down and painting of his parents regained its position above the fireplace. In 1995, Deborah bought the house, and maybe the portrait is in the wall again. This 1930s grand piano was added to the set when Celeste holm, who plays piano, took over the role of isabelle. Elegant Crystal lamps with expensive silk lampshades adorn the piano.

A marble egg and a marble ball flank one of the crystal lamps on the table. These decorative objects replaced framed family photos, Boyd explained,' because the actors kept changing and we had to keep reshooting the photos'. Flowers in this brass urn are always fresh, said Boyd."Behind the flowers are two murals that were added in 1992". A beautiful crystal chandelier provides muted lighting for the drawing room. Inside stuff: when a bulb blows in the chandelier, crew members have to be hoisted in an elevator-like machine to replace the burned-out lightbulb.