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Angelical Heaven


We lost them, we missed them a lot, they made us cry...., but now they are in Heaven! We must remember all the great heart heroines who lost their lives in Santa Barbara. They are:

Summer Blake ( Jonna Leigh Stack) was murdered. She was killed by Peter Flint in 1985. Veronica Gayley (Andrea Howard) was murdered. She was killed by Peter Flint in 1985. Mary Duvall McCormick (Harley Jane Kozak) died at the Capwell Hotel when the letter 'C' fell over her in 1986.

Amy Perkins Wallace (Kerry Sherman) was killed in an explosion at Buzz Place. Hayley was who threw the bomb in 1986. Caroline Wilson Lockridge (Lenore Kasdorf) died due to a strange illness in 1987. Hayley Benson Capwell (Stacey Edwards) was hit by a car when she saved Ted Capwell's life in 1988.

Andrea Bedford (Ally Walker) was murdered. She was killed by Zack Kelton in 1988. Sasha Schmidt ( Michelle Nicastro) was killed accidentally with a gun by Laura Asher in 1990. Nikki Alvarez ( Constance Marie) was killed in an explosion. Harland Richards ordered the attack in 1990.

There were a lot of deaths in Santa Barbara, some were minor character deaths. Other leading character deaths as Madeleine Capwell and Elena Nicholas are not in Heaven due to the evilness of her characters.