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Part Two

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Episode 0854 : Santa Barbara's 1987 Christmas episode ( Part one).Julia and Mason help Kris Kringle ( Chuck Mccann). Keith wants to put him in prison. CC and Sophia miss each other. Kelly and Jeffrey kiss. Mason and Julia are together in the same bed on Christmas Eve. It snows in Santa Barbara!!. Special Christmas Music in the Opening.
Episode 0855 : Santa Barbara's 1987 Christmas episode ( Part two). Kris kringle is the true Santa Claus and gives happy dreams to everybody. CC and Mason make peace. Julia and Mason get free Kris Kringle. Julia at home discovers that Kris Kringle is really Santa Claus!


Episode 1109 : Santa Barbara's 1988 Christmas episode (Part one). Eden and Cruz must help Kris Kringle ( Chuck Mccann) in the Christmas Eve. Brandon is in a coma and he dreams with Joseph, Mary and Jesus in Bethlem. Everybody represents a Biblical character.
Episode 1110 :
Santa Barbara's 1988 Christmas episode (Part two). Eden and Cruz must help Kris Kringle ( Chuck Mccann) in the Christmas Eve. Gina is an angel in Brandon's dream. Brandon awakes from the coma thanks to Eden and Cruz's help. The Capwells are there with Brandon. Eden and Cruz wish us Merry Christmas!.


Episode 1358 : Santa Barbara's 1989 Christmas episode (Part one). Cruz receives the visit of an angel and sees the world without him . Everything is different! He relives the story of 'It's a Wonderful Life' by Capra. This is the second character that relives this story in Sb, the first was Gina .
Episode 1359 : Santa Barbara's 1989 Christmas episode (Part two).Cruz receives the visit of an angel and sees the world without him . Everything is different! He relives the story of 'It's a Wonderful Life' by Capra. He realizes that life with Eden is the best thing and he is happy of being with his family.


Episode 1614 : Santa Barbara's 1990 Christmas episode (Part one). Minx celebrates Christmas Eve with Lionel, Augusta, Laken and Amado.Amado sings to Laken. Jeremy ( Bill Beyers )
Episode 1615 : Santa Barbara's 1990 Christmas episode (Part two). Nick < Kris Kringle> is with Gina , Brandon and Keith in Las Vegas! Sophia, CC, Chip, Adriana, Kelly and Cassie decorate the Capwell Christmas Tree. Eden awakes from her coma thanks to Cruz. Everybody is really happy to see her alive again !Briana, the ghost ( Mitzi Hoag ), Kris Kringle / Nick ( Chuck Mccann)
Episode 1616 : Santa Barbara's 1990 Christmas episode (Part three). Phillys Blake ( Stella Stevens ) returns ! to spend the Christmas day with Gina, Brandon and Keith, because they want to marry. Gina has a change of mind! Edward Nichols ( Linden Chiles )


Episode 1866 : Santa Barbara's 1991 Christmas episode (Part one). Julia and Mason dress as Santa Claus. Chip asks for his mother Eden. Craig kidnaps Angela and wants to kill her.
Episode 1867 : Santa Barbara's 1991 Christmas episode (Part two). Ted and Katrina together. Cruz and Suzanne kiss.Gina has a son in a Pet Clinic, Lionel, Lilly and Brandon are there. Gina feels happy with her new son: Channing Capwell III. Dr Moose Barthell ( Stephen Lee )


Episode 2123 : Santa Barbara's 1992 Christmas episode. CC has a strange dream. He sees several homelesses with the aspects of Lionel, Mason and Sophia. He goes to his home and finds a different CC. He cries and awakes and discovers that life is wonderful. CC, Sophia, Gina, Lionel, mason , Julia and Gracie help the homeless! and decorate a Christmas Tree.