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Special thanks to:

The following pictures : Amy & Brick, the cast 1984 who appears in Cultsoaps cover, Dominic and Caroline & Lionel , Gina and Keith3, CC and Sophia in 1990's wedding, Lisa and Rafe belong to the private collection of the Santa Barbara Memory Page.

The following pictures: Ted and Hayley at weddings, Sydney Penny, Eden as Channing, Eden & Cruz at Paris, Kelly & Jeffrey, Sophia and Ken at weddings belong to the Santa Barbara le site Français.

Thanks again to The Santa Barbara Memory page and Santa Barbara le site Français!

The picture of Betty White belongs to the Ultimate Golden Girls Site.

Most information of my trivia section comes from Soap Opera Digest magazine and from The Ultimate DOOL Trivia Book by Gerald J. Waggett.

Other pictures belong to my collection and others are from unknown webpages that I took some time ago. In fact, I have practically all the pictures from original interviews, magazine articles from ..., but it was easier to take from other pages that to start to scan all the material.