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..Special Remarks

Santa Barbara had the best and most memorable weddings in daytime history. I have remembered all the weddings that lived all our favourite characters.

But, there are other non-real weddings that happened in Santa Barbara' story. We have to remember that a lot of couples exchange vows privately because they wanted to wed in a near future. During the earthquake, Joe promised eternal love to Kelly, when they were trapped in the basement of Dominic's apartment, and he gave her a ring and it was an intimate ceremony. Eden and Cruz did the same several times. One of them, they went to a church and there, they exchanged vows.

We also have to remember the characters who dreamed with a wedding. They dreamed with his or her wedding day and late, it might happen or not. For example, Kelly Capwell and Nick Hartley at the ghost village, or Gina in several occasions, when she wished to marry CC, Mason, and her other love interests.

Kelly and Nick were about to marry once at the Capwell villa gardens, but Kelly reconsidered the marriage and she decided not to marry before the guests arrived or before she was dressed.

Santa Barbara only had six wedding on location. In Fact, I had only added five in my guide because they belonged to real weddings. But, we have to remember one more: in 1986, Gina wanted to marry CC. The wedding was filmed in a real church. The famous group Air Supply was there in the church to entertain the guests. But , in the story, Gina didn't arrive on time, and CC left the church and run next to Sophia at the Capwell villa for marrying her. ( See the rare picture above, CC and Gina weren't never together in that church in the storyline). But Gina appeared there, and he had to marry Gina instead of Sophia. He did for Kelly's sake. And this is the wedding that appears in the guide, the one that happen at the Capwell villa.

Finally, I have to remark other wedding that was never seen on screen, but some magazines published a lot of pictures and the pictures was seen later in the storyline. It was Julia and Mason's wedding. When Julia marry Mason for first time, the actor was Lane Davies. When Mason was recast by Terry Lester some time later, the actors had to repeat the wedding pictures. So at Julia's, it was possible to see a picture of her with Mason on her wedding day, but with the actor Terry Lester. And these two were never married on screen!