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Search for Tomorrow

1951 - 1959







On 3 September 1951, viewers first saw SEARCH FOR TOMORROW on CBS-TV in a fifteen-minute live broadcast. It was the story of JOANNE GARDNER BARRON (Mary Stuart) and her search for tomorrow. Joanne and KEITH BARRON ( Johnny Sylvester) were happily married in a town called Henderson. They had a little daughter, PATTI BARRON ( Lynn Loring), and were somehow hovered over by Keith's possessive parents, VICTOR BARRON ( Cliff Hall) and IRENE BARRON( Bess Johnson). The couple battled with their inlaws-Keith's mom Irene hated Jo, and Keith's father Victor thought Keith was weak, and they argued constantly over Keith's preference for photography over the family contracting business. The couple turned to support from Keith's sister LOUISE BARRON ( Sara Anderson) and Dr. NED HILTON ( Coe Norton). After six weeks, Keith was killed in an automobile accident. But Joanne could not permit herself wallow in grief, because she had a six years old daughter to look after. Courageously, the young widow took a job in Henderson Hospital as the only means she had of supporting her little girl.







Of course, she could have turned to Keith's wealthy parents for help, but Joanne knew that Irene Barron waned to take Patti now that her son was dead. Her conviction that she and her husband, Victor Barron, could provide for Patti better than Joanne grew into obsession. She tried everything she could to win Patti's affections. Irene plotted to ruin Jo, using JIM WILCOX and his partner JO EDDY. as her henchmen. Later, after Irene tried but failed to gain custody of her granddaughter, she lost her mind and kidnapped the little girl. The law finally made Irene return Patti to Jo, but not before she took flight with the child and led everyone on a long chase through the woods.

Jo's best friends were STU BERGMAN ( Larry Haines) and MARGE BERGMAN (Melba Rae) appeared in December 1951, a good-natured, sympathetic couple who always knew how to laugh, even when the going got rough. Marge and Stu spent many hours in Jo's kitchen, having coffee with her and talking over personal problems. Priceless friends, they were always around when Jo needed them. They had two young children: JANET (Ellen Spencer 1955 - 1956 and Sandy Robinson 1956 - 1961) and JIMMY BERGMAN (Peter Lazar).







Janet Bergman became Patti's best friend. Later, Marge and Stu had another child, TOMMY BERGMAN (Peter Broderick).After Patti was once again safe at home, Jo brushed off unwelcome advances from Dr. Hilton, and she swore off romance. But Joanne was free to turn her attentions to ARTHUR TATE ( Terry O'Sullivan 1955 - 1966 and Karl Webber 1956). Joanne had met Arthur at Henderson Hospital, where she was working, and the two soon fell in love. Arthur's lawyer and friend, NATHAN WALSH (George Petrie), also found himself deeply attracted to Joanne, but he put aside his feelings when he realized that Jo was in love with Arthur. Later, Walsh became one of Jo's most trusted allies, who would offer his support -wheter as a friend or as a lawyer - when a crisis arose.

Jo and Arthur, in ten years of courtship and marriage, certainly endured enough crises to last any other couple a lifetime. On the day of their wedding, for instance, a mysterious woman named 'HAZEL' (Mary Patton) came to Joanne Barron's Motor Heaven- which Jo and Arthur had bought and were running as a business well before they were married - and claimed to be his wife. In truth, this woman looked exactly like the woman Arthur had once been married to, but he thought she had been killed in a fire many years before. Of course, this wasn't Hazel Tate at all, but rather her twin sister, SUE. She had been hired by the local Syndicate to upset Jo and Arthur's marriage plans so that they could gain control of the Motor Haven, to use as a front for a dope-peddling operation. MORTIMER HIGBEE ( Ian Martin) , the head of the syndicate, had found Sue and wanted to use her to foil the marriage and use her influence on Arthur to get him to sell the property.

Jo and Arthur were stymied by Hazel's apparent return from the dead, until Nathan Walsh discovered her true identity. To trick her into admitting the truth, Arthur, Jo, and Nathan faked a fire and hired an actress to impersonate the dead twin sister, Hazel. Distraught on 'seeing' her dead sister, Sue, in a drunken frenzy, rushed out into the woods, where she was later found dying by Joanne. The D.A.( Les Damon) immediately accused Joanne of the murder, and she might have stood trial if Arthur and Nathan hadn't discovered the identity of the real KILLER (Frank Campanella). In the process of finding the killer, however, Arthur was shot in the heart and nearly killed. For a long time, he was invalid. Depressed that in his condition he couldn't be a real husband to Joanne, he refused to go ahead with their original wedding plans.







Meanwhile, the Syndicate wasn't about to give up their efforts to gain control of the Motor Haven. Their next ploy was to send to henderson a woman named ROSE PETERSON PEABODY( Lee Grant, Nina Talbot and Constance Ford), who was supposed to gain the friendship of Arthur and Jo and then figure out some way of ruining Jo's reputation so that she would have to sell the Motor Haven, paving the way for the Mob to take it over.

To win Jo and Arthur's friendship, Rose pretended to need help with her mute brother, WILBUR PETERSON( Don Knotts). Soon she and Wilbur were staying at the Motor Haven as guests of the people she was supposed to destroy. One day Rose poisoned the soup that Jo would be serving to a group of workers, but at the last moment she couldn't go through with the horrible deed and poured the soup down the drain. Eventually, psychiatry proved that Wilbur had become mute as a reaction to the shock he'd endured many years before after almost killing their foster father, who had tried to sexually molest Rose. When Wilbur was made to realize why he became mute, he suddenly found his voice again. The happy brother and sister then left Henderson.

Joanne finally convinced Arthur to marry her despite the complications caused by the gunshot wound. Joanne proposed marriage and they wed on June 9, 1955.

After the wedding, Arthur decided he wanted to expand the Motor Haven, although Joanne was satisfied with what they had. Arthur took a thirty-day call loan from bankers who were actually the men responsible for Hazel's murder. When the pressure to pay off the loan came through, Arthur turned to his wealthy Aunt CORNELIA SIMMONS (Doris Dalton), who lived in Puerto Rico. Upon moving to Henderson, she began taking over Arthur's affairs, and felt if Joanne didn't like it, she could leave. Cornelia, like Jo's previou in-laws, became Jo's enemy. Aunt Cornelia would have liked nothing better than a permanent separation between Jo and Arthur.

At this time, also, Joanne became pregnant, and a boy, DUNCAN ERIC, was born. A holding company was set up in Henderson, called Tate Enterprises, and Arthur was established as its head, although Aunt Cornelia actually ran the corporation.







After the death of Duncan Eric, who had wandered out in the street and was struck and killed by a car, and as if things weren't bad enough, Jo's mother died and her father, FRANK GARDNER ( Eric Dressler and Harry Holcombe) and newly widowed sister, EUNICE GARDNER (Marion Brash), arrived in Henderson to further complicate the lives of the Tates.

Eunice was highly neurotic, unstable, selfish and jealous of Joanne and had become a widow before she was 25. Attracted to Arthur, and because he was feeling the pressures of business, Eunice and Arthur had an affair. When Eunice realized her affair was not a happy one, she turned to Nathan Walsh, who was still in love with Joanne himself. But Nathan soon found Eunice attractive and wanted to marry her.

After refusing Nathan Walsh's proposal, Eunice felt she was the cause of his drowning. But when he showed up six weeks later, very much alive, she had a fit of insanity and suffered pangs of guilt and told Joanne the whole story. Taking this turn of events as an opportunity to separate Joanne and Arthur forever, Aunt Cornelia offered Arthur a job in Puerto Rico, where she had most of her business interests. Torn by shame because of his unfaithfulness to Jo, Arthur accepted the offer. With only the money from Motor Haven to support her and her daughter, Joanne once again took a job at Henderson Hospital.

While Arthur was away, Jo's father who had been managing the Motor Haven in Arthur's absence, fell in love with Stu Bergman's widowed mother, MRS BERGMAN (Joanna Ross), and they were married, thus making Jo and Stu sort of relatives.







When Arthur returned to Henderson, he had begun drinking. During this time, he also became involved with his secretary CYNTHIA ( Patricia Smith).When Aunt Cornelia was found murdered, the police discovered almost everyone had a motive, but arrested Eunice and her new boyfriend REX TWINING ( Larry Hugo), for the murder. They were found guilty, but ALLISON SIMMONS (Ann Pearson) , Aunt Cornelia's daughter, discovered the real murderess to be Cornelia's housekeeper and distant relative, HARRIET BAXTER (Viki Viola). After they were exonerated, Eunice and Rex were married and moved to Puerto Rico.







Best friends Janet Bergman and Patti Tate, by now in their late teens, were having adult problems of their own. Janet fell in love with BUDD GARDNER (George Maharis and Tony Ray), Jo's nephew. They were married and had a son, CHUCK.


All this has been created by FRANCISCO LOPEZ (SPAIN) @ GOLDENSOAPS



1951: (1) MARY STUART as Joanne Barron and LYN LORING as her daughter, Patti Barron.

1951: (2) MARY STUART, JOHN SYLVESTER and LYN LORING in happy moments.

1951: (3) Joanne ( MARY STUART) learns of her husband's death.

1952: (4) BESS JOHNSON played Joanne's devious mother-in-law and stopped at nothing to win the affections and possession of Patti.

1952: (5) LARRY HAINES and MELBA RAE were added to the cast as Stu and Marge Bergman, two roles originally intended to be brief. ELLEN SPENCER played their daughter, Janet, as a child. Note how the sets in those days were placed against black walls, and not so advanced.

1954: (6) Although they were very affectionate with each other, Dr Hilton ( COE NORTON) and Joanne were only friends.

1954: (7) To ruin the marriage plans of Joanne and Arthur, Hazel ( MARY PATTON) came back to Henderson to claim her husband, Arthur. Hazel ended up being Sue, Hazel's twin, and her death was blamed on Jo.

1954: (8) CONSTANCE FORD was Rose Peabody. Here she is with Jo and Patti.

1955: (9) GEORGE PETRIE played Nathan Walsh, lawyer of Joanne and Arthur's, and was at one time a hopeful suitor. NITA TALBOT was another actress who played Rose Peabody.

1955: (10) June 9 marked the day JoAnne and Arthur Tate were married, an occasion eagerly awaited by the viewers. JOE LEIBERMAN played the minister. (Mary Stuart was eight months pregnant at the time). TERRY O'SULLIVAN played the groom.

1956: (11) One year after they were wed, Joanne and Arthur (now played by KARL WEBER for six months) became parents of Duncan Eric - the first time a TV serial played a pregnancy. Patti ( LYN LORING) is happy to hold the new baby.

1956: (12) Although they were lawyer and client, Nathan Walsh (GEORGE PETRIE, left) and Arthur Tate ( KARL WEBER) were friends, and when Nathan advised Arthur on the Motor Haven, he listened.

1957: (13) New troubles started for Joanne and Arthur when her father Frank Gardner (ERIC DRESSLER), and sister, Eunice (MARION BRASH ) came to live with them. Frank became manager of the Motor Haven, and Eunice, emotionally disturbed, later had an affair with Arthur.

1958: (14) HARRY HOLCOMBE took over the role of Frank Gardner, devoted father of Jo and Eunice.

1958: (15) A troublemaker for all was young Allison Simmons, played by NITA READER. Trying to help her was Rex Twining (LAURENCE HUGO ), fiance of Eunice (MARION BRASH ).

1959 : (16) Aunt Cornelia's companion, Pearl March, could not influence Cornelia to stop interfering in the marriage of Joanne and Arthur. Cornelia wielded her power as much as possible to get rid of Joanne, but Jo, the faithful wife, stood by and always waited for her husband. SYLVIA FIELD played Pearl.

1959: (17) Aunt Cornelia (DORIS DALTON ) was an overbearing influence on her nephew, Arthur, and Allison (left) aided her, willingly and unwittingly.


1959: (19) From her busy schedules (left to right) LYN LORING, MARY STUART, MELBA RAE and SANDY ROBINSON took time out for a 'mothers and daughters' photo. Sandy played Janet Bergman.