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They were men or women transformed in their opposite sex!


1.- The mysterious Dominic was really Sophia Sloane Capwell Armonti ( Judith McConnell ). She wanted to help Joe Perkins in the murder case of her son Channing Capwell, jr. In fact, the real murder became herself. She had blocked all the facts that happened that horrible night of 1979, when her son was murdered.

2.- Bunny Tagliatti ( Joe Marinelli ) brought fun when she transformed in a woman. Gina was the first in discovering him as a woman.

3.- Eden Tyler Capwell Castillo ( Marcy Walker ) had three different personalities. One of them was her dead brother Channing Capwell, jr. She shot her mother Sophia because she thought that Channing 's spirit was within her looking for a revenge. After that, Eden's real personality was back and she was so horrified that she left town forever.

4.- B.J. Walker ( Sydney Penny ) had suffered real sexual abuses. Her uncle Frank was the culprit. When she arrived to Santa Barbara, she decided to wear boys clothes and to be a boy. Her name was Troy.