First Impressions

Anna Sawitzky

The characters Robert McCall, Mickey Kostermayer, Scott McCall and Control belong to Universal/James MacAdams' and I'm only borrowing them for a bit.

This is my own version of Mickey's and Scott's first meeting in Mission: McCall. This takes place after Scott has watched the video his father had left him, but before Mickey was in the car with Scott. Enjoy!

Scott parked the cherry red caddy on the street near Mickey Kostmayer's place. He was surprised by how much his palms were sweating. He hadn't realized before this how the thought of finally meeting Mickey intimidated him. But, his father had been kidnapped and Control had been no help. His dad had left him a message to go to Mickey if Control tried to send him away, so, here he was, outside Mickey's apartment building. He rang the buzzer and a man's voice came out the speaker.


Scott wiped his hands on his jeans and cleared his throat. "Mickey? It's Scott, uh, Scott McCall."

The voice on the other end hesitated, then Scott heard "Well... you better come on up, then. I'm in apartment #303."

The door clicked open and Scott entered the building. He strode, determined, to the elevator, then stopped short as he realized it was out of order. He saw an exit sign close by and jogged down the hall, opened the black door for it, and discovered the stairs. He went up them 2 at a time, and was breathing hard as he came out on the 3rd floor.

He raised his hand to knock on #303, but the door opened before he had the chance. A man stood there. Scott, while catching his breath, took in his appearance. A few inches shorter than himself, the man looked compact. Scott looked at the man's face, and wasn't terribly impressed. Then again, in the line of work Mickey was in, that would be very useful. Scott noted how the man was wiry rather than like a bodybuilder. The face itself looked innocent, and ordinary, but when he peered into the eyes, Scott realized that this man's innocence had been lost long ago. Scott had bent over, hands on his legs, to catch his breath, and now he straightened up.

"Well, don't block the doorway, Scott, come on in." Mickey ushered him inside.

Scott entered, looked puzzled, and asked "How do you know I'm Scott?" Then, he gasped. "What the hell IS that?!?"

Mickey stroked the... thing... he'd picked up. "Oh, don't let Scott frighten you, Uzi, now, come on, settle down." It finally looked like it relaxed on his arm. Mickey answered casually, "He's my iguana." He looked up at Scott. "But you wanted to know how I knew it was you. That was easy."

Scott raised an eyebrow. Mickey led him to a chair and motioned for him to sit on it. A fresh glass of water was by it, already placed there for Scott. Mickey lay back on his couch, settled the iguana on his stomach and stroked it, then enjoyed some of his beer. He continued his explanation. "First, you buzzed me, so I was expecting you. 2nd, the elevator is out , so I knew you had to hit the stairs, 3rd, I've seen pictures of you at your dad's place."

Scott looked chagrined. He hadn't thought of that. Which reminded him, "Mickey, you have got to help me! Dad's disappeared, his apartment's been trashed, and Control is no help at all!"

Mickey sat up abruptly, dislodging the iguana in the process. "Why didn't you tell me that sooner!" he exclaimed. "Come on, let's go!"

Mickey grabbed a pair of black leather gloves on his way out, shoved them into the back pocket of his jeans, and practically dragged Scott with him. The look of determination on the Mickey's face made Scott very glad he had gone to him and he ran to catch up. Things were looking up.