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Shawn Crahan

Shawn Crahan
Name: Shawn Crahan
Band: Slipknot
Position Percussion Drums
Date Of Birth September 24th
Place Of Birth ?
Sex Male
Official Site: Slipknot
Fan Site: 6 (Sic) 6
Fan Site: 696
Fan Site: Running With Scissors
Fan Site: Fan Site
Fan Site: Fan Site

-"Korn won't play with us because they're afraid we'll steal their audience, which we will"

-"I am on a world-domination mission. Slipknot isn't just an average band. It's not just music. It's a way of life and it's the real way of life. When I go on-stage, the rock'n'roll cliché can go die. There's no place for that anymore. My whole deal is, when we've reached everyone and everyone understands, I'm gone. I'm out. I've done it."

-"We're just an army."

-"I'll be honest you with man... I think the Internet is the greatest invention the world has ever seen. If a kid can't be at a Slipknot show, he could be with you intimately at home, regardless of where he is around the world. MP3's I think are fine, but it's very dangerous when certain people get a hold of an album before it is released and leak it out to the public. Then people download it and distribute it... You have to understand; if you're a musician, you learn how to, and I'm gonna quote something from Henry Rollins here: "You learn how to starve creatively". This is our livelihood, and MP3's can be very dangerous. I'm a great supporter of the Internet. Our page got over 230,000 hits last month, and it's a great way of reaching out. "

-"Back then I had a dead crow fetish, and I'd bring one in a bottle to shows. I'd open the jar, and the smell would make me puke all over myself inside my mask. Then I'd offer it to the kids and they'd dip their hands into it and wipe it on their faces and they'd be puking too. It was rad."

-"I hate it when journalists say, "Are you like Gwar, ICP or Kiss?" It's like, SHUT THE FUCK UP. It's like yeah, we're exactly like all of them. Yeah, right."

-"Let's go on the record and say something right now: We live of the most common things in life, number one of which is respect. I don't talk shit about anyone, unless I have something to say. A couple of people in that band said that we're with Roadrunner so we'll never go anywhere. And also that we speak for fat ugly kids. So take that for what it is, but when we see Limp Bizkit for the first time, we are going to get naked and take it in cromag style. I'm gonna have a fucking quarter in my hand and we're gonna flip for fucking punches." "We'll give them the benefit of the doubt. I'll flip for a punch with those cock suckers any time! But if they didn't say anything, then we're all good."

-"I’m the kind of guy that like, you and your friend could be in your car, talking about say, Edgar Allen Poe going back and forth arguing about it, blah blah blah and I’m in the back seat and I’m not even paying attention. And, then we make a stop at my house and you go up and look in my bathroom, and on my book shelf I’ve got every book Edgar Allen Poe has ever done."

-"Slipknot isn't a brand of music, i'ts a way of life."

-"All I've got to say to everybody is that Slipknot is the greatest band that there has ever been in the entire world; our philosophy, our well-being, the way we present our life, the way we live out life, the way we project our lives to the kids."

-"There is no envelope to push bro, we are the envelope."

-"I'll tell you what I don't like. The paranoia of who will come on stage and tackle the clown next, because it's starting to go to a new level. I used to tell everybody 'come and kill the clown' and now it's actually happening. I got tackled by Spider man in Milwaukee last night. I'm always watching my back."

-"What we want to show kids is that you can come to a Slipknot show and not worry about what you look like or what group you're in."

-"Fuck elevators, unless you're on the sixth floor"

          -Shawn Crahan, Slipknot, Percussion Drums, September 24th