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Rayna Foss-Rose

Rayna Foss-Rose
Name: Rayna Foss-Rose
Band: Coal Chamber
Position Bass
Date Of Birth August 26th
Place Of Birth ?
Sex Female
Official Site: Coal Chamber
Fan Site: Bleeding Metal
Fan Site: T. Chamber
Fan Site: Fly To
Fan Site: Fan Site
Fan Site: Fan Site

-"I had to pee like 10 times. They're like "Where are you going?" and I'm like, "I gotta pee," and they're like, "Hurry up, the intro's on."

-"You know what I don't give it a second look we used to live together its like my family we all lived off of Melrose for awhile when we first got signed we all lived with Dez so they're like big brothers."

-"I think it's a little absurd, people who blame [violence] on rock music. It's pretty pathetic. They're just looking for a scapegoat. I think they need to look a little deeper inside."

          Rayna Foss-Rose, Coal Chamber, Bass, August 26