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Bobby Hewitt

Bobby Hewitt
Name: Bobby Hewitt
Band: Orgy
Position Guitar
Date Of Birth November 13, 1969
Place Of Birth ?
Sex Male
Official Site: Orgy
Fan Site: Orgy Fan
Fan Site: All The Same
Fan Site: Beautiful Alone ?
Fan Site: Fan Site
Fan Site: Fan Site

-"Can I just say that I've never been known to turn down the voluptuous?"

-"Never give up, but be ready to go through some hell."

-"You know what would be cool? Like everytime you sign an autograph, the thing would be to flash your titties?"

-"I will definitely not be doing karaoke tonight"

-"breathe in...breathe out..."

-"Watch it, hatchet boy"

-"See, the thing is like, every time you sign an autograph, that the girl would flash her tities. yeah"

          -Bobby Hewitt, Orgy, Guitar, November 13, 1969