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Britney Spears

Britney Spears
Name: Britney Spears
Band: Britney Spears
Position Vocals
Date Of Birth December 2 1981
Place Of Birth McComb Mississippi
Sex Female
Official Site: Britney
Fan Site: World Of Britney
Fan Site: Virtual Britney
Fan Site: Spears World
Fan Site: Fan Site
Fan Site: Fan Site

-"Marry Prince William? I'd love that. Who wouldn't want to be a princess?"

-"Onstage I'm the happiest person in the world."

-"I dress the way I want. I don't pretend to be someone I'm not."

-"In one of my newly released songs, I say that I'm not a little girl anymore, because I don't want to be known as a little girl anymore. I'm a woman now, and I've had so many cool experiences....and awesome ones as well. I've turned from a little nice school girl, into this sexy slutty seductress. And I like it...I like it alot. It's just more me....y'know? I think Justin has had alot to do with my image change. Ever since we started having relations, my life has changed in such a drastic way...I don't even identify with the person I was before. Like, for instance, when me and J. go travelling together we see tons of really cool places. I like most of the places I've been to, but I've never really wanted to go to Japan, simply because I don't really like eating fish, and I know that's very popular out there in Africa, but the whole thing just doesn't appeal to me."

-"I don't want to be a model. I just do what I want to do and if that's an inspiration to someone, fine. I want to be an artist that everyone can relate to, that's young, happy and fun."

-"2001 was one of the best years and one fo the hardest years at the same time."

-"I try not to think negatively."

-"If you have a dream, I say go for it. Just believe and work hard. Just remember that it takes time."

-"I was thinking about doing something to them (Marilyn Monroe jeans) so they would fit me - like cutting the waist off -and then I thought: I can't mess with her jeans!"

-"Don't let people influence you. You get advice everyday from everyone - but you have to be your own guide."

-"In my heart, if someone tells me I can't do something, I'm gonna do it just to prove I can."

-"There's so much I want to do in my life. I've got my whole life ahead of me; I think if I put my mind to it, I can do anything."

-"I know not everyone will like me, but this is who I am so if you don't like it, tough!"

-"My advice to you is to never loose your passion to dream."

-"It's funny how being successful is as hard as failer. When you're successful they expect so much out of you. The expectatoin are so high."

-"Remember to always enjoy the little things life gives you. Don't let anything pass you by."

-"You know how people say nsync copied backstreet. Well backstreet copied the beetles."

-"I think there's a way to balance the two--being who you are and saying how you feel but not going over the top with it."

-"You have to love what you are doing You hafta love singing, if so, go for it!"

-"Michael Jordan is definitely the greatest."

-"Sometimes it gets a bit crazy like when I go overseas and stuff, but that's just for a couple of weeks."

-"You have to be happy with who you are. I wasn't always popular in school or with boys, but I always liked who I was anyway."

-"I like meeting all my fans and signing autographs, although it can get a bit crazy. Yesterday, for example, a boy just came over and planted a big kiss on my face! I was like, 'hello?"

-"Rosie O'Donnell asked me about what I say to famous people I meet. I had to admit that I'm a total goob and I get totally star-struck and don't know what to say."

-"I remember I read this harsh review about my show, and one of my friends told me that this was the exact same stuff people said about Madonna and it's like, she didn't care. Madonna just came out and was herself I respect that a lot."

-"I try not to think negatively."

-"I've always been able to work through my fears and doubts, the way I see it, you can let them hold you back, or you can tell them to back off. It's all up to you."

-"I'm a little nervous of older male fans."

-"I guess I do those things because of the way I feel inside. And I also know that I'm a young lady and I have to learn and a lot to experience."

-"This is the life I always wanted to have. Maybe I'll go to college someday, for that knowledge but I definitely think making music always will be the most important thing in my life."

-"I'm really just coming into my own and becoming the person I am."

-"I know I get a lot of flack for what I wear, what I say, what I don't say, but I'm not a little girl anymore"

-"If I didn't sing, I'd be in high school still, probably still playing basketball, dating someone in high school, being completely normal and having fun. But I'm really happy doing what I'm doing"

-"I still have a lot to learn about the business, about music, and about myself. It's exciting."

-"I really have no regreats. I'm blessed to be doing something I love, at to be successful at it. I wouldn't have changed a thing."

-"I would like to be called an inspiration to people, not a role model because I make mistakes like everybody else. When I'm offstage, I'm just like everybody else."

-"I'm just like any other teenager out there. I'm just doing different things right now. I think of this, what I'm doing now, as my job. I just found it at an early age."

-"This is the life I always wanted to have. Maybe I'll go to college someday, for that knoledge, but i definitely think making music always will be the most important thing in my life."

-"Kicking the football around in Pepsi's ad brought back some great memories for me. It was a lot of fun and really inspired me when writing the single for Pepsi."

-"One of the hardest things of this buissnes is just being away form my family so much."

-"I love my mom more than anything. It's great to have such a supportive mom. She's my best friend."

-"I really have no regreats. I'm blessed to be doing something I love, at to be successful at it. I wouldn't have changed a thing."

-"My little sister she's like.. miss diva."

-"You learn so much in this business. You tend to grow up a little bit faster because you're surrounded by so many adults all the time."

-"One of the hardest things of this buissnes is just being away form my family so much."

-"I find myself each day becoming more and more of a role model, and it's really flattering. It's the best feeling in the world when I'm on stage and I'm singing and the fans are singing the words with me."

-"2001 was one of the best years and one fo the hardest years at the same time."

-"I know I am blessed. Not every girl gets to perform at the tree-lighting ceremony at Rockefeller plaza! I just try to stay grateful for all the good things that have happened to me in my life."

-"I thank God every day for my family."

-"It's very flattering that young girls look up to me, but I think that they should know that they are all special we're all beautiful human beings"

-"Family comes before everything."

-"I would like to be called an inspiration to people, not a role model -- because I make mistakes like everybody else. When I'm offstage, I'm just like everybody else."

-"My friends don't treat me any different. It's really important to have friends like that."

-"When I was younger, my mum and my dad made a lot of financial sacrifices so that my brother, my sister and I could do all the stuff we wanted to do. And I'm so grateful to my parents. Now, because of my financial situation, I am able to help them out and spoil them whenever I want."

-"When you meet the right person you just know. You know."

-"People are always wanting to know every detail about where I go, and I always have to have my bodyguards with me. It's like they're insinuating that I can't do things on my own I can! I know they mean well, but I don't like people treating me like a little girl."

-"I just love handgun' out. Watching TV, ordering room service."

-"If I can't have a serious relationship, I don't want one at all."

-"I think girls shouldn't call guys. I think guys should call girls."

-"I'm addicted to spas. I love going to the spa and just getting massages...I love that."

-"Oh sure, I changed as a person. After all when Baby came out in the States I was still only 16. Even though it's only a few years ago, I feel really different now and I have totally changed the way I think about stuff too. I've had to. Like, in the beginning when I was just starting out, I was really sensitive and would take criticism personally. Now I've learned either to ignore it or laught at it! You have to have that attitude in this business, otherwise you would never survive!"

-"I think if you do something in moderation, it's OK. The only thing I'm addicted to is taking baths at night"

-"I went to a psychoanalyst. He explained things about my love life that I found very impressive ? almost scary. He said I had a problem with closeness and intimacy, that I was afraid of letting myself fall for someone and of being hurt."

-"That was my idea. I could live in the sun."

-"I'm the type of person who can't go from a serious relationship and then be like, 'Oh, I'm just going to date some guy.'"

-"When I was like in the second grade or third grade, my favorite thing was to go I know this sounds really retarded but to go to Wal-Mart and get all my supplies."

-"Everything the critics like I hate, and everything that they hate I like. I like light hearted, girl flick, love story movies. It's easy to watch, not that deep."

-"I listen to Otis Redding a lot. I love him, man. I think he's just awesome. There's nothing better than putting him on and getting in the tub and lighting some candles and just chilling'."

-"Sometimes I just long to do normal things, like going to the movies or a club. But now that i'm famous its a major ordeal just to go out."

-"I definitely knew that acting was something I eventually wanted to do."

-"When I have a bad day just hearing my Mum's voice gives me a warm feeling inside."

-"That's one of the things that inspired me to do the movie. The whole idea of these girls being so close and going through so much together; because, still to this day, I have my three best friends, Courtney, Jansen and Laurelyn, and I think that's very inspiring."

-"I'm ambitious and I like to challenge myself and I like to push myself and so it made me want to really go there just to see if I could do it. Just to see."

-"When I have downtime, I don't know what to do with myself! So I do yoga every day, a lot of stretches and sit-ups. I feel better about myself physically and have more energy."

-"It wasn't easy for me. The whole transition was a little scary at first, but I'm so happy I did it."

-"I love canopy beds-that whole princess vibe."

-"We started to look at the script and I thought to spice it up a little bit, it'd be fun to put in a song or too."

-"I thought it would be very funny for the three girls to be into NSync."

-"I was really nervous at first. I'm used to performing on stage and being confident with that, but this was just a whole new territory for me it was so different".

-"I was so used to being onstage and getting that instant reaction, you know?"

-"It's cool cos when you mess up, you can do it over again."

-"It was very nerve-wracking, but after a little while I lost the fact that it was me and I looked at myself as the character of Lucy."

-"Crossroads was really good. I'm proud of it. I didn't want something that completely starred me and was all about me, me, me. I wanted something that blended in with the other cast, and, basically, I just wanted it to be a good story."

-"It's not even so much about it being the biggest movie in the world, as long as my fans can go to it and be touched by it in its own way."

-"I don't personally like the fact of kissing other guys. It doesn't make me feel like a million dollars, no. But I do accept that it's just acting."

-"Why do I dress in such skimpy way? I'm sorry if you think I dress that way, it kind of hurts my feelings that you think that. But how I'm dressed now, in baggy pants and a t-shirt, that's how I dress every day. But when I perform, show my belly, and it may be a little bit sexy, but I don't think it's 'skimpy'."

-"I didn't feel any pressure to do the movie. It was something I wanted to do, I was on my third tour and I wanted to express myself in a different way, to challenge myself, to see it I could do it. The door was open and I just had to walk through."

-"Personally, the main crossroad in my life was probably three years ago when I left my small town and went to the big city to pursue my dreams and get a record deal"

-"It's great to be able to have something in your heart and be able to share it with the audience. When I get on stage and I get to sing a song that I wrote, it just means so much more, you, when it comes from you.I don't know if I'm the best songwriter in the world, but I have a lot of fun doing it. And hopefully, I'll get better and grow."

-"I found it fascinating because you could do one line so many different ways."

-"I had a week before the movie where I really just sat down and really thought through the character and who she was. I think probably two weeks into it I really had a good idea of who she was and what she was about. But I think just playing her every day and the more interaction with the other characters made me feel her character even more so."

-"I think that it's up to the parent to decide. My sister's 10 years old and she went to go see the movie and she loved it,"

-"I love to experiment with clothes and make up and hair - I'm such a girl!"

-"I like miniskirts. They make me feel sexy"

-"When your boyfriend breaks up with you, what do you do? You call your girl friend!"

-"I mean, I'm a girl. Why not?"

-"I remember I read this harsh review about my show, and one of my friends told me that this was the exact same stuff people said about Madonna and it's like, she didn't care. Madonna just came out and was herself I respect that a lot."

-"I have a whole head of extensions right now, for the photo shoot. It's a web method, it's temporarily glued on, and the glue dissolves. You can wash these and they still look good. Sometimes, I just wish I had my own hair -- these really kind of hurt and they get in the way."

-"I love dancing! I love it so much."

-"Hurting my knee made me realize how much I love performing. Lordy, I'd be crazy if I couldn't dance anymore!"

-"Practice makes perfect. The more I do it the better it gets."

-"It's about being a girl, celebrating your womanhood, you'd be lying if you said you didn't want to be sexy."

-"I love performing and I'm doing what I love to do. Sometimes it gets a bit crazy like when I go overseas and stuff, but that's just for a couple of weeks."

-"I don't care what people say about my hair or my looks, but when they start in on my performance that's when it hurts."

-"Dancing is so important to me. Singing was always my first love, but when I started dancing it was definitely my second love."

-"When I go on tour I have a blast. That's so much fun."

-"I know I am blessed. Not every girl gets to perform at the tree-lighting ceremony at Rockefeller plaza! I just try to stay grateful for all the good things that have happened to me in my life."

-"It's the best feeling in the world when I'm on stage and I'm singing and the fans are singing the words with me."

-"When I'm on stage it's my time to express myself and to dance and loose all composure. But when I'm off the stage and I'm just me I'm.. dork. I'm such a dork!"

-"It's the best feeling in the world when I'm on stage and I'm singing and the fans are singing the words with me."

-"I'm sad, I'm sad, man," Britney says when she's told of the pictures of her smoking, trying not to smile. "Uh, I don't have a recollection of me ever doing that. I'll have to see the picture."

-"I don't care what people say about my hair or my looks, but when they start in on my performance that's when it hurts."

-"Obviously, they knew it was false because my breasts arent that big. I guess they just appear bigger on TV and everything."

-"Just because I look sexy on the cover of Rolling Stone doesnt mean I'm a naughty girl."

-"The death rumor? I rarely get mad but I did then."

-"I don't like defining myself.. I just am."

-"I'm such a dork!"

-"I'm somebody who's really focused. This isn't all fun and play."

-"In the beginning when I was just starting out, I was really sensitive and would take criticism personally. Now I've learned either to ignore it or laught at it! You have to have that attitude in this business, otherwise you would never survive!"

-"I'm rich, freakin' rich. It's crazy."

-"During Crossroads I was a lot at home. All that "home" was so good for the soul!"

-"I find myself each day becoming more and more of a role model, and it's really flattering. It's the best feeling in the world when I'm on stage and I'm singing and the fans are singing the words with me."

-"I'm not a very good driver. Okay, I'll admit, I'm not."

-"I don't really look at myself as a sex symbol."

-'When asked if you're not a girl not yet a woman, what are u? she said "Well I'm not a man."

-"My dreams for the future would probably be to have healthy kids and to marry the man of my dreams."

-"Who really cares if I've had sex?It's nobody's business. Trust me, I'm not going to have a press conference to announce it. If I mess up, I'm human. If I have a drink or I'm with someone, I'm human. I'm no different than anyone else my age."

-"I would like to be called an inspiration to people, not a role model -- because I make mistakes like everybody else. When I'm offstage, I'm just like everybody else."

-"There's so much I want to do in my life. I've got my whole life ahead of me; I think if I put my mind to it, I can do anything."

-"You have to be happy with who you are. I wasn't always popular in school or with boys, but I always liked who I was anyway."

-"I'm all about the friendship vibe."

-"I love driving on my own. It's just the feeling of being in your car and you're driving with the top down and just listening to music, and you know, it just makes me think of how I was when I used to be back home."

-"I try not to think negatively."

-"I'm the type of person who can't go from a serious relationship and then be like, "Oh, I'm just going to date some guy.'"

-"I've always been a drama queen."

-"I'm so blessed. I really am."

-"I have lost my innocence, you grow up faster in the spotlight of showbusiness."

-"My idea of a perfect world is for everyone to be happy and happy with themselves and truly know who they are. You know? What I mean is that would be a happy world for me"

-"Hmm.. If I could had a wish it'd be that I could stop worrying so much, oh and I could stop biting my nails!"

-"I'm human before anything, I get annoyed too."

-"What have I learned in the last five years? Don't let people influence you. You get advice everyday from everyone-but you have to be your own guide."

-"There are some things that I would like to cross out of the history books though."

-"I've always been able to work through my fears and doubts, the way I see it, you can let them hold you back, or you can tell them to back off. It's all up to you."

-"Just because I look sexy on the cover of Rolling Stone doesnt mean I'm a naughty girl."

-"I know not everyone will like me, but this is who I am so if you don't like it, tough!"

          -Britney Spears, Britney Spears, Singer, 21 December, 1980