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Mick Thompson

Mick Thompson
Name: Mick Thompson
Band: Slipknot
Position Guitar
Date Of Birth November 3rd
Place Of Birth ?
Sex Male
Official Site: Slipknot
Fan Site: 6 (Sic) 6
Fan Site: 696
Fan Site: Running With Scissors
Fan Site: Fan Site
Fan Site: Fan Site

-"You could hit me with a baseball bat and i'd laugh at you"

-"I grew up, I mean fuck, I live a mile and a half from the hospital I was born at, you know? So it's like you don't get out much and then you go out and see the US a few times and go to Europe and shit and then come back and it gives you some awesome perspective as to just how completely retarded it is where you live."

-"Well I've said before if there wasn't such a thing as masturbation there'd definitely be a body count"

-"If I wasn't in this band, I'd be at the top of a clock tower with a sniper rifle killing people."

-"Each town took two shows, basically. The first show they'd stand there and watch like 'What the fuck is this?' Like it was a train wreck or something. And then the second show we'd have lots of pits. I mean the first shows would have some pits, but most people were standing there like 'Huh?' And it was always frustrating to me 'cause I really feed off the crowd and if the crowd's just kind of standing there I just want to throw my guitar down and start smacking people."

-"When I walk out on stage and the look in people's eyes and shit and the crowd yelling 'Slipknot!' for 10-minutes before you come out, I mean that gets you really jacked. I mean the thought of walking into a town where you've never been before and there's people fucking yellin' your name and shit that are there to see you, it's the greatest feeling on earth. I mean it's amazing. I mean no one could ever imagine that that would ever happen in their life. Certainly not me. I don't know, it's the coolest. So you get really psyched up. And then you come out on stage and see the fucking look on people's faces when you walk out and I really feed on that.

-"Seven-string guitars are gay"

          -Mick Thompson, Slipknot, Guitar, November 3rd