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Frank Wright

Frank Wright
Name: Frank Wright
Band: Green Day
Position Drums Vocals
Date Of Birth September 12, 1972
Place Of Birth Willits, California
Sex Male
Official Site: Green Day
Fan Site:
Fan Site: 1039 Christine Road
Fan Site: Dookie
Fan Site: Fan Site
Fan Site: Fan Site

-"Playing songs for people sends energy to the crowd. and then they send it right back to you, and its a blast."

-"We put in some serious fucking hours to be considered slackers."

-"I wake up, skate to the kitchen, grab myself a beer, skate down to the northwest wing of my elaborate oakland castle. then i go for a bath in pink champagne. but we just play music all the time. sometimes we make sweet love, but its pretty much sex, rock 'n' roll and whatever drugs you've seen the band members take personally."

-"We miss heavy metal"

-"Prosthetic head is better than no head in the morning"

-"It's a good song, toot toot, fuck you. Robert Smith eat our dust."

-"Mike, the craziest son-of-a-bitch that ever walked the planet"

-"We don't like superstars and rock idols"

-"I don't have to tell you that"

-"It's, like, an OK tour bus and all, but people see bookmobile on the side and come up and ask us if we have any book to sell. I mean how stupid is that books? We don't even read"

-"People think that we're just these good-looking guys with these really big dicks that play really hot fucking rock and roll. But we're sensitive, and we have feelings too."

-"When was the last time you saw someone go off stage to snort cocaine in the middle of there neck"

-"When I die, they'll bury me in an Anvil case with wheels"
          -Frank Wright, Greenday, Drums & Vocals, September 12, 1972