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Adam Yauch

Adam Yauch
Name: Adam Yauch
Band: Beastie Boys
Position Bass, Vocals
Date Of Birth August 5, 1964
Place Of Birth Brooklyn, New York
Sex Male
Official Site: Beastie Boys
Fan Site: Beastie US
Fan Site: B Boys
Fan Site: Beastie 411
Fan Site: Fan Site
Fan Site: Fan Site

-"I dropped acid skiing one time and lost my wallet."

-“we're creating a fantasy. A fantasy so far-fetched and overboard that 90 per cent of people that understand it understand that there is such a thing as humour, such a thing as parody"

-"A lot of record companies look at the numbers and they'll be like, 'Your first record sold 5 million and your second record sold only 800,000. What happened? You guys fell off, I think the band all feels that the record did really well. Most musicians I grew up playing music with would probably shoot me if I ever complained about selling 800,000 records. It's definitely not a number to sneeze at. Almost everyone I run into who did buy it tells me how incredible they thought it was"

-"I don't think it would be wise for us to hold back on speaking out about oppression just so we could go there and entertain."

-"...In addition to thanking everybody that's worked on all the videos..., it's kind of a rare opportunity that one gets to speak to this many people at once, so guys forgive me, I just want to speak my mind on a couple of things... I think it was a real mistake that the US chose to fire missiles into the Middle East, I think that was a huge mistake... and I think it's very important that the United States starts to look towards nonviolent means of resolving conflicts because if we... (applause) hold on hold on... give me one second here... if we thought what we did is retaliation, certainly we are going to find more retaliation from the people of the Middle East... from terrorists specifically, I should say, because most Middle Eastern people are not terrorists... and that's another thing that America really needs to think about is our racism, racism that comes from the United States towards the Muslim people and towards Arabic people and that's something that has to stop and the United States has to start respecting people from the Middle East in order to find a solution to the problems that have been building up over many years, so I thank everyone for your patience, and letting me speak my mind."

          -Adam Yauch, Beastie Boys, Bass & Vocals, August 5, 1964