The band although still nameless right now, is the creative planning of four kids looking for something to do. Kevin started work on the guitar his sophomore year of high school, and as time went on talked Johnny V into buying a bass so they could jam together. After jamming with each other for over three years and having many talks with Kevin’s brother Chris, Johnny V. and Kevin were able to wear him down into buying a drum set and expanding the band. The trio played for about 5 months together with no singer. Kevin did do vocals but it was only on a few songs. On a trip up to Maine they invited both a sound guy Jon Yuen and Johnny V's brother in law Pat Roy. Pat who was at first a roadie for the band decided to sing and became known as the bands singer.
Although the band comes from different backgrounds they are all into the same style of music. Major influences can be heard from the 70s 80s and some early 90s. Every member in the band basically agrees that anything from the mid-90s on was mostly crap besides a handful of bands.