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"There's no hope with dope." - The Gang

Slater: Working out is the last thing on my mind.
Screech: I hear you blood.
Slater: I hear you blood? Where'd you get that?
Screech: Chapter 3. "Talking Cool"
Zack: Is there a chapter on shutting up?

Mr. Belding: And may I add, you have not lost your ability to suck up.
Zack: Why thank you sir.

Zack: Hi, you're new here. What's your name?
Slater: Roger Rabbit. What's it to you?

Kelly: HI! Who are you?
Slater: *flirty* Uh, whoever you want me to be.
Jessie: Come on! Everyone knows you've got the hots for Kelly.
Zack: *looks around* They do now!

Screech: Oh, and about sharing lockers, I can't. For health reasons.
Zack: What do you mean 'for health reasons'?
Screech: Slater said he'd kill me.

Slater: Anyone want an onion ring?
Kelly: Sure!
*slater puts it on her finger*
Slater: I think we're engaged.
Kelly: I think I'm gonna cry.
Zack: That makes two of us.

*Mr. Belding puts on sweater*
Mr. Belding: Zack, I'm taking a different approach with you.
Zack: You're gonna be Mr. Rogers?
Mr. Belding: You're in the neighborhood.

"I'm tired, I have a toothache, and I have to go home and pump iron" - Mr. Dewey

Slater: I'm good at everything I do.
Zack: Not according to the girls I talked to. *smirk*

Slater: Hey, don't you have anymore cookie women?
Zack: What? You need a date for new years?

Slater: What's the matter? Can't you find a date?
Lisa: Honey, I don't go to the supermarket without a date.

Mr. Belding: Guys, guys, I have a problem.
Zack: Oh, sir, just wear a hat.

Jessie: You have a map of the mall?
Lisa: I have a map of every mall from here to Tiajuana.

Slater: Mr. Belding, Will you tell the chairbabes to please be quiet?
Jessie: Will you please tell the chairpig to mind his own business?
Everyone: Ooooooooh, yeahhhhhh

Mr. Belding: OK, Who's in charge of the food?
Allan: I am, sir.
Zack: Who else?
Allan: Hey! Stop with the fat jokes or I'll sit on you!
Zack: *in nerdy voice* Ooh! This is getting heavy!

Jessie: I can't believe you like these tapes.
Slater: Hey. What's the matter with Paula Abdul and Janet Jackson?
Jessie: Their music doesn't say anything.
Slater: Have you ever seen them move? They're saying plenty, baby.

Jessie: We haven't fought for 15 seconds.
Slater: It was 20. Shut up.

Zack: Who washes their hair six times a day?
Slater: You do.
Zack: Well, besides me.

Zack: We would like to put KKTY back on air.
Mr. Belding: WHAT?!
Screech: We - would - like
Mr. Belding: I heard you!

Slater: Pick you up at 7?
Zack: If you get me home by 10.

Lisa: For you, I'm making a friendship muzzle.
Screech: I'm speechless!
Lisa: That's the idea.

Boy: I want my money back.
Kelly: Why? Is something wrong?
Jessie: We'll gladly refund your money if your buddy band is deffective.
Boy: Belding's wearing one. You can't get more deffective than that.

Zack: I think Billy's hungry.
Slater: I got a dingdong in my locker.
Zack: Babies don't eat dingdongs, dingdong.

Home Ec teacher: Support the baby's head.
*head falls off*
See? That could hurt baby.

Slater: Mr. Belding, can I talk to you for a second?
Mr. Belding: Sure! *looks at watch* Time's up! *Belding laugh*

Kelly: Lisa, you should give Screech a chance.
Lisa: I'd reather give chicken pox a chance.

Mr. Belding: Do your parents know?
Screech: Of course! She's been over every night.
Mr. Belding: And there's no objections?
Screech: No, they're rooting us on.
Mr. Belding: Well I have objections. You can't elope!
Screech: Who're your calling a cantalope, you melon head?!

Billy: Z-z-z-ack
Kelly: He just said his first word!
Slater: What'd he say? Snack?

Screech: I will be your everything.
Lisa: And I will be gone.

Kelly: I didn't know you wanted a career in medicine!
Zack: Why not? I'm sick of school! *laugh*

Kelly: I'm thinking of becoming an actress. Do you think I'd make a good actress, Zack?
Zack: Sure! You're the star of my dreams every night.

Jessie: I want to be a lawyer.
Lisa: I'll design your briefs! Ha Ha Ha

Kelly: I still want to be an actress, but I want to be a mom and have lots of kids.
Zack: Someday I'd like to help you with that.
Slater: Why have a litter of preppies when you can have little studmuffins like me?

Mr. Belding: You know, in High School, I had visions of becoming a professional basketball player.
Slater: Well, what stopped you?
Mr. Belding: Sister Agnes. She kept blokcing my lay ups. Besides, can you imagine me at 50, dribbling down the court with my belly hanging out and my love handles tripping the referee?

Mr. Belding: Now what is it like on Mars?
Screech: Far out. Here, have a Mars bar!

Slater: Screech! What are you doing?
Screech: Crusin' for chicks.
Slater: In the boy's locker room?

Slater: Do you think I want to end up an overweight, beer bellied laughing stock?
Screech: Well, my mom always said you can be anything you want to be.

Slater: Man, who cares about wrestling?
Zack: I do! Your fans do!... I do!

*Zack puts on pink apron*
Slater: You look pretty in pink, Preppy.
Zack: Thanks for noticing.

Kelly: That's Bo Revere's new single! It's #8 with a bullet.
Mr. Belding: It's too bad the bullet missed him. *Belding laugh*.

Ms. Simpson: To be or not to be. That is the question. Who said that?
Zack: You just did, Ma'am
Ms. Simpson: Right! Hamlet.

Ms. Simpson: Does anyone know how Romeo died?
Zack: He took your class.
Ms. Simpson: Right! Poison in a glass.

Nurse Jennifer: I wonder what's going on in that body of yours.
*Zack looks into the camera*
Zack: Woah.

Zack: Why don't we go to the drive in and give it a chance?
Kelly: Well I'm afraid I'll fall off your bicycle!

Jessie:Aww... is Slater scared of the wittle awobics instwuctor?
Screech: What's an awobics instwuctor?

Lisa: Aww! Look at Zack and Kelly. If they get any closer, they'll be sharing shoes.
Slater: Lisa, get a boyfriend.

Lisa: I think there's love in the air. How bout you?
Screech: No, that's my cologne, 'musk of mustang'. Giddy up!

Screech: You know, I kissed Lisa for the first time on a bridge.
Zack: When was that?
Lisa: Right before I threw him off.