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The Case Files of Inspector Gadget "Pirate Island"
Season 1
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Top Secret Mission
"Investigate missing tour boat for billionaires. Suspect MAD will force billionaires to sign over their fortunes to Dr. Claw. If successful, no charity money."

That steel drum version of the Inspector Gadget theme can mean only one thing: Inspector Gadget, Penny, and Brain are on vacation in the Caribbean. But before they've had a chance to get any serious r. & r. on Gadget's dilapidated old rust-bucket of a boat, duty calls and the Inspector's back to work. After sinking his own vessel, the police inspector, his niece and his dog are rescued by a passing cruise ship--the very ship that's gone missing! While a quartet of lovably stuffy billionaires coo and cluck over the exciting "fake rescue" and its castaways, the ship's MAD agent captain, Malcolm, learns from Dr. Claw that he's just saved the trouble-making Inspector Gadget and now must eliminate him. Gadget disappears below deck to fix the ship's engine when an 18th century pirate ship appears on the horizon. With MAD agent Pegleg Peg at her helm, the ship sails up and the wealthy passengers are captured. Threat after threat to the four good-natured blue bloods are laughed off as all part of "The Pirate Island Fun Tour," and they refuse to sign over their fortunes for fear of ending the adventure. It must be an act since the numerous attempts on the life of surprise guest celebrity Inspector Gadget keep failing--but savvy Penny and hard-working Brain know better! After landing on Skull Island (with the requisite skull formation in the rocks), Malcolm hits on an idea: Sign the papers, he tells the jovial group, and you're assured a spot on next year's tour. Before you can say "power of attorney" or even "fine print," they've all scrawled their John Hancocks on the forms. Now it's just a matter of getting those documents to Dr. Claw so he can take possession of their billions--but in swoops Brian who snatches them away from co-conspirators Peg and Malcolm. It's a mad dash to the end as each of the billionaires bags a MAD agent and Gadget yanks the papers from Brain's paw just as they both stumble across Chief Quimby, bringing an end to this adventure--but not before Inspector Gadget promises to take Penny on The Pirate Island Fun Tour next year!

Quotable Quote
"I think he's cute!" --A billionaire with the whiniest voice you've ever heard, watching Inspector Gadget in action.

A thinly-plotted, mediocre outing for Inspector Gadget and the gang, with some minor chuckles coming from the four idle-rich prisoners. The animation's the same low-grade style seen in "Map Trap," "Art Heist" and "Amusement Park" (among a few others). Seems Gadget's producers sent the lamer episodes to be animated by the lamer studio(s). Or perhaps these Gadget episodes just seem all around lousy when animated on a tighter budget. And how about the Top Secret Mission? The police presumably aren't concerned about the well-being of the passengers on the missing ship, but rather about their money!

Be On The Look-Out For... animation screw-up. One scene has one of the billionaires yelling, "Threaten us some more! Ha ha ha!" yet it's the MAD captain, in a two-shot with Peg, whose mouth moves. The animators can hardly be blamed, though - many of the incidental voices in this episode aren't particularly distinctive. ...another Gadget first. Not only does Pegleg Peg have the distinction of joining the small, select group of women MAD agents, but with just one leg, she's our only, ahem, differently-abled MAD villain. old cartoon standby. Cartoons have often relied on impressions of old actors to bring two-dimensional characters to life--to kids who couldn't possibly remember the original source. Bad Ed Wynn impressions have been a staple of all cartoons since time immemorial. And see "Monster Lake" for someone doing Richard Hadyn. In this episode, we're hearing a mild Frank Nelson impression as Malcolm. And unfortunately, there's no way to do a mild Frank Nelson. It's either all or nothing, buster!

MAD Agent Count
Six: Captain "Malcolm," Pegleg Peg, three regulars, and one fat bearded pirate we've never seen before.

Unanswered, Nit-Picky Questions
Did Dr. Claw really think that making the billionaires simply sign their names to something would really give him control of their fortunes? And if it was that easy to get their fortunes, why not threaten the billionaires a little more severely? Cut off someone's ear, blow off a toe, yank out a fingernail or two--then they'd sign. And fast!

Ridiculous Safety Tip
The skull & crossbones symbol on cans and bottles around the house mean poison. One can't help but wonder if Penny saw the irony in having her uncle point this out to her, when he can't seem to recognize the MAD insignia no matter how many times he sees it.

Brain's Disguises:
Hula girl
Last modified: Sunday, December 30th, 2001
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