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The Case Files of Inspector Gadget "The Emerald Duck"
Season 1
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Top Secret Mission
"The fabled Emerald Duck has been stolen by MAD agent Macho Miguel. He must be stopped before Dr. Claw can use secret powers of duck."

Having learned that the Emerald Duck, "the oldest Mayan artifact known to exist" is the key to an ancient device with destructive power unequaled even by modern weapons, Dr. Claw orders Macho Miguel, an over-the-top Mexican bandit, to steal it. Inspector Gadget is assigned to retrieve the stolen duck before Claw can do any damage, and he sets off for Mexico with Penny and Brain--unfortunately, on a MAD-sabotaged plane. They narrowly avoid certain death when Penny manages to regain control of the plummeting aircraft with her computer book. Once on the ground, Gadget sets off in search of Macho Miguel--with the help of Miguel himself--who promises to bring the clueless inspector to the bandit's secret hideout. This is merely an excuse to get Gadget out of the city and into the jungle to do away with him, but, as usual, things don't go as planned and Gadget (with Brain's help) dodges each assassination attempt. Penny heads off into the jungle as well, and with directions from an old native Indian, hopes to find the legendary weapon before Claw's agent does. A fall from a rickety rope bridge into the rushing river below proves fortuitous for Penny, who manages to swim into a cave that houses the ancient crystal device. Outside the cave, however, Miguel has placed the green statue into the receptacle that activates the weapon, and it immediately begins firing. Seeing its dangerous power first-hand, Penny intends to destroy the device with a blast from her computer book's laser. Instead, the device goes haywire, sending off bolts of energy in all directions. It finally self-destructs, but not before crippling the MAD Jet and sending Macho Miguel right into Gadget's custody as Chief Quimby arrives.

Quotable Quote
"Thank you for helping me with my duck project for school, Uncle Gadget." --Penny, setting up the theme for today's episode.

..."Duck project"?

A good, exciting episode, with the only funny bits coming from Macho Miguel's two-man entourage, who announce his entrances and exits with a few seconds of wild flamenco music. The plot of this episode borrows heavily from Raiders of the Lost Ark, including the ol' Huge-Rolling-Boulder-Down-The-Ancient-Temple-Passageway Trick. Raiders has been the inspiration for countless similar scenes and entire plots in countless other cartoon series since it premiered in 1982. In fact, this is Gadget's second Raiders-like foray into the jungles of Latin America (see "All That Glitters" for the first one).

Be On The Look-Out For...
...another woman who has beaten the odds, broken into a male-dominated field and become a MAD agent. The Hispanic-looking stewardess' part may be small, but to her credit, she presumably got away.
...Henrietta and Willard, who are among the tourists visiting the museum in the opening scene. We last saw them in "All That Glitters". Perhaps they're on an extended vacation south of the border.
...another nod to Don Adams' glory days of the 60s: At the beginning of the episode, he makes mention of "the second biggest duck I've ever seen." It's a variation on one of Adams' more obscure catch-phrases from his stand-up comedy and Get Smart days.
...a slight contradiction between the script and the animation: At the beginning of the episode, Gadget complains, "I'm taking this duck caller back to the store--it doesn't work!"--as he tosses it into the water.

MAD Agent Count
Two: Macho Miguel and the stewardess (Four if you also count the two flamenco musicians).

Unanswered, Nit-Picky Questions
If scholars of Mayan history knew of this weapon of mass destruction, why was it left undiscovered and unprotected, to be procured by any evil genius who wanted it?

Ridiculous Safety Tip
Items left carelessly on the stairs can cause nasty accidents.

Brain's Disguises:
Last modified: Saturday, December 29th, 2001
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