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The Case Files of Inspector Gadget "Gadget Meets the Clan"
Season 2
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Top Secret Mission
"Suspect MAD plot to bring super-criminal G.G.G. out of retirement to get Gadget. Use extreme caution."

After a botched robbery of a tribute to Inspector Gadget at an international police convention lands two of his MAD agents in jail, a frustrated Dr. Claw gets in touch with his 'teacher', Les Renown, an elderly hood who sounds something like a cross between Ronald Reagan and Johnny Carson. Claw complains to Renown about the shortage young, talented criminals and puts out a $10 million contract on Gadget's head. Renown refers him to the G.G.G. - the Great, Great Godfather - a former mob boss, now retired and living with his five sons in quiet luxury. Following a brief meeting, the wheelchair-ridden mafia don strikes a deal with Claw and promises to get rid of the clueless inspector. Soon Gadget unwittingly accepts an invitation from the G.G.G. and his sons to go fishing and is quickly dispatched to the sea with an anchor attached to his foot. Brain rescues his master, and saves him yet again when the mob boss and his sons try to off him at a restaurant. A construction site ends up being the location for the final showdown, with Gadget unknowingly taking on all that the G.G.G.'s boys can dish out and throwing it back at them. The Great Great Godfather finally admits defeat, and is wheeled off to jail with nothing but respect for Inspector Gadget.

Quotable Quote
"I am hurt you did not come to me sooner." --The Great, Great Godfather to Dr. Claw, when Claw complains about his trouble with Gadget.

Though the title is misleading--and perhaps a bit alarming (Wouldn't "Gadget Meets the Mob" have been a little more accurate?)--this is by far the best episode the second season of Inspector Gadget has to offer. The directors work with the second season's obviously smaller budget and keep this smart Godfather parody hopping along at a brisk pace. Even with a smaller budget, the animation isn't that bad this time around. And while a retirement home for criminals is a funny concept, the idea of Dr. Claw having had a 'teacher' in his youth is unfortunate and detracts from Claw's evil mystique. Even more unfortunate is the snapshot Claw holds up of himself as a baby (fist). Hoo boy!

Be On The Look-Out For...
...the G.G.G.'s five sons: four nearly identical thugs who sing their lines in baritone voices (In the script, the four brothers were named after various pastas--perhaps just an inside joke since they are never referred to by name in the episode itself)--and the fifth, goofy little Eugene, dressed in a fey pink suit. An obvious disappointment to his papa, Eugene spends nearly the entire episode playing with a cup-and-ball-type toy.
...machine guns. But you won't see any. The scene where Gadget is almost gunned down in the restaurant is directed so tightly and brilliantly, you probably won't notice. What else could have the Godfather's sons been reaching for? What else would have blown away the chair Gadget was sitting on?

MAD Agent Count
Ten: Four regulars, the G.G.G., and his five sons.

Unanswered, Nit-Picky Questions
Where exactly does this episode take place? The first scene takes place at an international police convention (so it doesn't necessarily have to be in the U.S.), the G.G.G.'s sons speak English but with heavy accents, and shots of the seaside town look slightly provincial. Good guesses might include Italy, Sicily, or possibly, since the G.G.G. is retired, Miami. Who knows?

Ridiculous Safety Tip
Children shouldn't play around construction sites.

Brain's Disguises:
Hood Ornament
Construction Worker
Last modified: Sunday, December 30th, 2001
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