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The Case Files of Inspector Gadget "MAD In The Moon"
Season 2
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Top Secret Mission
"MAD scientists changing face of moon for Claw's birthday. Proceed to moon and stop MAD. Rocket waiting."

The little identical 'doctors' who finish each others' sentences, Null and Void, return to carry out Dr. Claw's plans in this, their second episode. While enjoying a light show at a local planetarium, Inspector Gadget learns his latest mission will send him back into space, and this time, to the moon. After converting the Gadget Van into a lunar vehicle, he is ready to take off for outer space with his assistant Capeman, but once again reluctantly allows Penny and Brain to tag along once Penny explains that she promised her teacher she'd "do a report on the moon." One of Claw's agents fails in his mission to "get Gadget" before he boards the space shuttle, but tries again once they've left earth. Despite having been ejected from the shuttle while in flight by the MAD agent, the inspector--and his party--land safely. Meanwhile, Null and Void begin planting bombs--disguised as kewpie dolls--over the moon's surface to be detonated together and change the face of the moon into a huge MAD logo that can be seen from the Earth. Gadget and Capeman mistake the doll-bombs for "little moon girls" and begin rounding them up, excited at the idea of bringing the presumed extraterrestrial creatures back to earth. Seconds before they're due to go off, Penny uses an adjustable gravity ray gun to make the dolls float up and explode harmlessly in space.

Quotable Quote
"Oh, Doctor Claw, this is too much--even for you!"
--Penny, rhetorically, after uncovering Claw's plot to change the moon's surface.

Ugh. Another lousy second season episode. The obviously learning-disabled Capeman is an unpleasant presence throughout the episode, continually showering Gadget with sycophantic praise while trying to fly. And while it's within character of Dr. Claw to be megalomaniacal, the idea of him celebrating his birthday (!) is completely out of character for this evil unseen entity usually too obsessed with world domination.

Be On The Look-Out For...
...perhaps the episode's only chuckle: Dr. Claw is startled to find Brain's face filling up his entire monitor, as the inquisitive dog looks into the hidden camera lens he's had planted on the space shuttle.
...Chief Quimby. Where is he? Surprisingly, he fails to reappear at the conclusion to congratulate his top inspector for a job well done.

MAD Agent Count
Three: One regular (Thin goatee'd agent) and Null and Void.

Unanswered, Nit-Picky Questions
Why 'kewpie dolls'? Why not just plant the bombs undisguised?

Ridiculous Safety Tip
Always buckle your seat belt.
Last modified: Saturday, December 29th, 2001
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