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The KNIGHT RIDER Fan Fiction Webring: HTML Codes

Cut and paste the following html code fragment to display the Knight Rider Fan Fiction webring banner on your web page. Be sure that the URL you gave to Webring is the actual page where you will be adding the html fragment, otherwise it cannot be added to the ring.

Please save the jpg logo to your own computer (or transload it, if you're using Webtv); Angelfire does not allow remote loading of images stored on their site. Please don't try to link directly to the image on this site--it will not work! Thanks.

PLEASE NOTE: When using this banner fragment, you must change the following information inside the code:

Wherever it says "ID=", you must enter your site ID number (provided in your e-mail), "id=your site #". It will appear in this code a total of 4 times;

At the beginning of the banner fragment, you must change "--Your Name Here--" to your name as you would like it to appear on the ring;

Also at the beginning of the fragment, you must change "--your e-mail address here--" to your correct e-mail address.


Once complete, your banner should look like this:

This KNIGHT RIDER FAN FICTION WEBRING site owned by --Your Name Here--.
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Take a look at some really cool ring banners created for the Knight Rider Fan Fiction Webring by Kitzira!