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Back to before the commercial was filmed, the Legion of Demolition are back to before the CWC Camera crew arrived. The looks on Demon's and Maniac's faces remind us of where we left off. The camera cuts back to The Great Demo smiling, and zooms out to show the bikes adorned with saddles and fiberglass to appear like camels.

The Great Demo: What do you think?

Maniac: I think you're going to pay for touching my bike.

Maniac goes to rush The Great Demo when Demon holds him back. The CWC Production crew arrive. Brady Nelson steps out with a camera guy, and goes to speak with the three. Because of it being early in the morning, the gusty wind has picked up, and Brady is heavily coated. He shivers a bit before speaking.

Brady: Hi guys. So what's this shoot I got up so early for?

The Great Demo: Hi, Brady. I thought the CWC was sending a director over?

Brady: They were, but the crew got together last night, and well, Frank was too hammered to come this morning. So what do you have planned?

The Great Demo: Well, I got in touch with Fox 5 and I asked if they could run a commercial for CWC with a holiday theme. They weren't too high on the idea, and wanted to see the finished product first. So that's why we're here.

Brady: But the holiday season is over. What's the...

The Great Demo: Actually, today is January 6th. The day of the magi. Or Three Wise Men. Or Three Kings Day or...

Brady: Okay! I get it. So what do you have planned?

The Great Demo: Mercenary privately donated $ 50,000 dollars to Sunrise Children's Hospital. I think it was a big mistake as CWC could have greatly benefited from this act of goodwill. So today, The LoD are matching that donation.

Brady: Okay, Did you get clearance to tape at the Hospital?

The Great Demo: Clearance?

Brady: Yes, if you're going to tape. Did you call the hospital and let them know you were going to be there?

The Great Demo: Should have I?

The clip fades as Maniac goes after The Great Demo, but Brady cuts him off. A couple of takes later, the Legion of Demolition arrive and park their "Camel-Bikes" in the entrance.

Demon: Do you know what a camel's back smells like?

Maniac: Like a Raghead's ass?

Security approaches the men and the camera crew as they just leave their bikes where they are. Brady hands Demon and Maniac their posters and some pens. The Great Demo swings open the door drawing a large crowd around him. He sees Mercenary's picture, where he is shows donating a $ 50,000 check to the Hospital hanging on the wall. He grabs a poster of himself with the Legion of Demolition and orders for it to be hung next to the picture of Mercenary.

Nurse: Sir, We can't do that. We only hang framed pictures and articles.

The Great Demo: No problem.

The Great Demo grabs Mercenary's picture and removes it from the frame and replaces it with his own.

The Great Demo: Ah! Much better!

The Great Demo grabs a doctor and hugs him tightly.

The Great Demo: Can you please direct me towards the delivery room? I'd like to present some gifts to the needy children. Preferably one named Jesus. (Heh-Soos)

Doctor: But sir, Those kids dont need gifts. They have loving parents. If you'd like to present gifts to the children, may I suggest you take them to the ones that have but a few days to live?

The Great Demo: In due time! For now, I need to find Baby Jesus!

The Great Demo and Legion of Demolition find their way towards the maternity ward, and enter one of the rooms were a doctor is delivering a child. Demo grabs the child away from the doctor and raises him high above his head.

The Great Demo: And today I shall name you, Baby Jesus!

Mother: What are you freaks doing in here?!

A nurse screams frantically and later faints. The doctor that was accompanying them, asks The Great Demo to return the baby back to the mother, and to follow him instead.

Doctor: Mr. Demo, Please follow me. This here is the ward where our sickest patients are. Please feel free to talk with these kids, and stay out of our maternity ward.

The Great Demo smiles and runs at the first bed he sees. He jumps into the air and lands seated next to one of the kids. The kid nearly falls off the bed when The Great Demo catches him. He grabs a book, and begins to read, as the 8 year old girl annoyingly rolls her eyes.

At another bed, Demon is talking with one of the boys there.

Demon: Do you know who I am?

Boy: Batman?

Demon: Noooooo. I'm a wrestler from the CWC.

Boy: COOL! If you see Mercenary, can you thank him for his picture? Tell him he's my hero!

Demon only forces a smile, as he then jumps out of the bed. He turns to look at his backside, which is wet. Apparently the boy has a problem controlling his bladder.

Boy: Sorry.

Meanwhile, Maniac sits outside of the raucous room. A 2 year old boy approaches him, and tugs at his robe. Maniac turns away the boy, as he's too busy watching the Kansas City Chiefs play versus the Seattle Seahawks on one of the television screens. The little boy tugs at his robe once more, and with a sweet angelic look, convinces Maniac to pick him up. Maniac picks him up and sits him on his lap. He caresses the little boy's head, as even He has a soft spot for kids too, No matter the impression he's trying to give. After playing for a while with the little boy, he starts tossing the boy into the air, making him chuckle. The toddler seems to enjoy it, maybe even a little too much. After 5 tosses, the little boy burps, and throws up over Maniac's robe. Maniac quickly catches the boy and puts him aside as he runs towards the nearest bathroom, to wash himself up.

Back to The Great Demo, He seems to be enjoying this trip the most. He continues to autograph posters and placing them over Mercenary's own over the beds of the children. He stops at one who looks at him with very sad eyes.

The Great Demo: What's wrong?

Boy: I'm scared.

The Great Demo: Who are you scared of?

The boy's eyes well up, and tears begin to stream down his face. He points at The Great Demo. The Great Demo is bothered by this and sits down and hugs the little boy.

The Great Demo: I don't know what you've heard. But I am no longer the mean man I once was. I'm a good guy now.

Boy: Krimathy Ansfallen is a good guy. He says you're mean.

The Great Demo: Krimathy is just confused. He doesn't trust me. But someday, I will earn his trust. But first I will earn his respect. This Tuesday night, as we battle for the Silver State Championship.

Boy: Why doesn't he trust you?

The Great Demo: Krimathy is convinced that I'm a bad guy. But I'm a good guy. It's just that no one seems to understand it. All my intentions are good, And I hope that some day, Krimathy realizes this also. The real bad guys are wrestlers like Shag, Purgatory, and even The Jackyl.

Boy: What about Ministry? He's bad, right? Krimathy says he is.

The Great Demo: Ministry is my friend. Krimathy is mad at Ministry for something Ministry did to him A LONG TIME AGO. Ministry is trying hard to be good, but it's hard when confused men like Krimathy Ansfallen continually bring up the past. We all make mistakes, and we shouldn't be paying for them forever. I just hope Krimathy learns that we mean well. Krimathy wants me to end my friendship with Ministry, just because of his shady history. However, what kind of an animal would I be, if I did that? What Krimathy asks me to do is without logic. But I'm afraid that if I want to earn his trust, I might have to do the unthinkable.

Boy: I believe you, sir. I think you DO mean well. Krimathy had me confused too. Tonight I will pray that Krimathy sees the light, and sees how wrong he is for not wanting to be friends with you. If he wants to show how honorful he is, he should not be quick to judge.

The Great Demo smiles and embraces the little boy tightly. A smile comes across his face, as Brady returns with one of the executives he runs the Hospital.

Brady: This lady is in charge of all charity.

Lady: Good Morning. I was told that you wanted to make a $ 50,000 donation?

The Great Demo: Oh yes! Give me a second...

The Great Demo pats himself down looking for his checkbook. He can't find it immediately. And turns to Brady Nelson.

The Great Demo: Brady, you carry a Platinum Card, right?

Brady nods yes.

The Great Demo: Let me borrow your it. I seem to have left my checkbook back at our suite. I will pay you back as soon as possible.

Brady groans as he goes to his backpocket, and finds his wallet is not there.

Brady: Sorry, I think I may have left my wallet at home also.

The Great Demo: No you didn't! It's right here.

The Great Demo reaches inside of Brady's sportcoat and pulls out his wallet. He thumbs threw the credit cards, and hands one to the lady.

The Great Demo: $ 50,000, ma'am!

Lady: Thank you.

The lady turns and leaves as The Great Demo asks Brady a question.

The Great Demo: You figure I should donate $ 50,000 more in the name of Demon and Maniac?

Brady: NO!

And the scene fades.