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On the way down to Wacken this year we decided to play some cards. We chose
a game called "punishing poker". You deal out a hand like in real poker and trade
cards once. After that you compare and the one with the highest hand gets to punish
the one with the worst hand. This is how itīs done. Player A will now punish player B.
Player B chooses one card in the deck. Player A flips up cards until the named comes
up. The cards which lies on the table are the ones to be done. Every color represents
a certain punish. One for beating, one for pinching, one for twisting and one for drawing
the deck over the arm. Every punishment is done on the hand except the last one.
2 represent a very light blow whereas aces are the hardest you can do. Ace of spades
is the most dreaded card since player A gets to strike his fist with full force over the hand.
Now player A begins to count up the cards again and giving the punishment for each card.
The one who gives up last is the winner. On this picture Jonte gives Martin (who incidently
already had taken some previous beatings) an ace of spades while onlookers smiles with
the sadistic glimps in their eyes. Do I need to tell you who won?