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*If the Pics don't work, click on the x with ur right click and then hit "show picture"..they should work then.

This is the page that has the pics of People I have met.

These are a few pics that I took when I met the one and only GENE SIMMONS at Borders Book Store in Nashville the day after the KISS show! Woo! Love you Gene!

These pics are from the July 25th 2001 Instore meetngreet with LA Guns and Faster Pussycat.

Me and Muddy from L.A. Guns.

Kristian, me, and Chad from Faster Pussycat.

Taime, me, and Greg from Faster Pussycat.

Me and L.A. Guns.

Me and Danny from FPC.

Me and Steve from L.A. Guns.

Me and Phil from L.A. Guns.

These pics are from the July 29th 2001 Instore meetngreet with Warrant.

Jerry, me and Jani.

Me and Jani talking.

Me and Mike.

Billy, me, and Jerry.

Me and Jani.

These are pics I took of Bret Michaels backstage at the 2000 Poison show.

This is coming up to Bret to get a hug.

This is me and Bret..hehehehe

And this is the autographed pic I got.

These are the pics from the 2000 KISS EXPO.