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He's a really nice caring sensitive guy , works very hard at his job, Like's to goof off from time to time , he's very patient and independent! We met while i was workin at subway ,2 and ahalf years ago he used to always come in and flirt with me , of course he would make me blush! Because I'm attracted to him , so sometimes i wouldn't exactley know what to say.. hey mike what's this "beep beep beep" haha , Our 3 hour on the phone talkin about nothin , the one after that you couldn't fall asleep, what about the time i got so wasted at mardi gras , couldn't dance with kevin wanted to dance with you.. *pout* when I broke my ankle on canada day , i wish you were with me that night, but thank you for standing by me and taking care of me while i was in such pain , it was so hard being like that cuz i couldnt do anything, but i did have you! What about the washroom at subway?? Or even better on september 19 at the investors group *wink wink* Steve's a goof , G-man sleeps with me most of the time and Roxy's hiding from everyone he doesnt wanna be bothered.. "Like a virgin, touched for the very first time" lol gotta love that song! you tend to get a kick out of all my blond moments and like to get me going becuz you know how to push all my buttons .. You are right about wearing red.. That's why i love the song lady in red .. It pretty much reminds me of you! Gotta get more pictures for the photo album ! Maybe one day even get one done at walmart! But you let me know when your ready for it.. Love you.. can't wait to spend many more memories with you and take care of you when we move out to your new house *MWAH* Your my prince forever!


So this is me eh?? Im 22 years old , met a really great guy in my life been with him for almost 3 years thats long enough lol, I am now an auntie , My neice (Sarah) is 2 and a half years old hardly see her though, she's such a sweetheart! My little angel! ! My bestfriends and closest friends are Mike , jess , my dad and annette! Those are the ones I can really trust and talk to when i need someone! My boyfriend is very special to me i don't know what i would do if i lost him , he's my soulmate , my companion , my prince , dream come true and of course my bestfriend.. We both have a heart of gold and a precious soul.. I love it when winter comes around becuz it gets me so much into the christmas season.. I do have blonde moments which is what makes me an exciting person.. I am who i am , i never change for anyone , i love myself and believe in myself , I want to start new life all around , something more challenging for me! Im very independent for my age hard to believe but its true.. My boyfriend has given me the strength and courage of the things i can do , I'v broken some of the bad habits i used to always do but still working on others! he's shown me the person i am and the person i can be.. smiles.. Im so excited for the summer!!!


Her and i have been friends for like ever, I'v known that chick since grade 3 , she's the only person that knows me better than myself. I know I can always trust her and take her advice shez like family to me my sister that i'v never had before, when i was living in North Bay we were never apart from eachother we were alwayz together talk about good friends ahh? either i was always at her house or she was at myne, shez caring , sweet , beutiful and the best , If you know what kind of person i am , itz the same as what she is . throughout the yearz iv basically changed into her, oh yeah she has an attitude problem too lol always has and iv also grown into that so if you piss us off we turn into real Bitchs! even though wev'e gotten into many arguements i still love her so much i could never stay mad at her! We have such a history together, many stories of what we've did when we were kidz. you would be surprised of how much shit we both have in common i'v found that out for the past 2 yearz of still talking to her. I LOVE YOU GURL!!!


Well , she's a funny person that i love to bug i always have loved buggin her ..LOL but hey i have to mention she is a geek and shes not cool at all shes a big time NERD!! lol im only kidding Char , anyways me and her go awayz back ,, back in the day when there were no cement roads to drive on it was just dirt .. ahahaha i met her in grade 7, Mrs. Dowlingz class man that teacher was such a Bitch ! I bet she and Mr.Klaassen hit it off at lunch time or even during recess.. ahaha hey char remember when we had all those ants in our classroom in grade 7? Or how about the time when i chucked my pop across your car when your dad just slammed on the breaks .. oh wait i remember when i was walking down on a "main" street with cars driving by in alliston the first day of skool and i flashed you , christine and Mole and it was daylight out and all i wanted to do is show you my new blue bra.. ahahaha That was halarious man .! anyway have yourself a great year try not to party too much over there ,,


well Bess she's a really Funky chick man i swear shes great , she changes one hair to one colour the next day its a new colour.. LOL .. Hey bess remember the time when you duck taped my lock on my locker in grade 9 and you made me late for science class and you thought i was gonna cry? ahahaha that must have been some funny shit man . Love the pix on your site eb .. they do look familiar... well it least your not givin me shit for that. hey remember when i wanted to push mole down the staires in Banting? hehehe or the time when me and you had to switch locks cause so mole couldnt open your locker , man you know who i really hate?? Is Tanya Wright , God i really hate her !Its thanks to Elizabeth that i learned how to make a site ..Her Favirate quote is "I'll never stop wishing on stars , even if they turn out to be airplanes" lol So hows your vacation away from School Bess? Is it great or what .. LOL I'll have one of those soon , in about 3-4 and a half monthes.. sweet cant wait till that day comes along Ohhhhhhhh yah !! LOL have a very nice day .. ;)