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now flying with the angels...

Brahma with mommy in March 2000

Fly, fly little wing
Fly beyond imagining
The softest cloud, the whitest dove
Upon the wind of heaven's love
Past the planets and the stars
Leave this lonely world of ours
Escape the sorrow and the pain
And fly again

Fly, fly precious one
Your endless journey has begun
Take your gentle happiness
Far too beautiful for this
Cross over to the other shore
There is peace forevermore
But hold this mem'ry bittersweet
Until we meet

Fly, fly do not fear
Don't waste a breath, don't shed a tear
Your heart is pure, your soul is free
Be on your way, don't wait for me
Above the universe you'll climb
On beyond the hands of time
The moon will rise, the sun will set
But I won't forget

Fly, fly little wing
Fly where only angels sing
Fly away, the time is right
Go now, find the light...

~Celine Dion

On June 20, 2001,
between the hours of 4:30 AM and 7:30 AM,
our little parakeet Brahma
spread her wings and flew home to Heaven...

She had been napping at odd hours during the day over the last days...
my husband thought it was the heat, but I was still worried...
On June 19 in the early afternoon, I went to check on Brahma
and she was lying on the bottom of her cage...
It is a bad sign when birds do this...

When Venki came home, we took Brahma to the vet,
(where we also found out that Brahma actually was a girl,
we had always presumed that she was a boy,
not only because the pet store had told us so, but also because
she was the boss in her cage she shared with her two other parakeet-'siblings'... :-)
The vet didn't really know what was wrong.
Brahma couldn't use her little feet anymore...he thought maybe it was a tumor.
He prescribed some medicine for her and we took her home.

Venki and me were both hoping that she would recover...
the vet said everything else was ok with her, except for her little feet...
I didn't want another fur/feather kid of mine to be called back to Heaven so soon...
I was hoping God would spare her and not take her around the same time
he had taken my beloved dog Caesar last year...

During the following night, I slept on the couch to be close to the little cage
where I had put Brahma in the afternoon so she could get some rest
and not be disturbed by the other parakeets,
and around 4:00 AM I heard her making some noise...
She was flapping her wings against the cage and chirping very quietly.
I took her out and gave her some water and some medicine
which she took without much fuss and protest...
she was such a good little girl...
When she was healthy, she used to come sit on our finger,
but she didn't like to be held in one's hands...
But during the time she was sick, she didn't resist it...
maybe she knew somehow we were trying to help her.
After giving her her water and medicine,
I put her in her cage again and stroked her head...
she looked like she wanted to get some sleep,
so I shut off the light and went back to sleep, too...

And when we came to check on her in the morning, she was gone...
She was only a little over a year old.

Even though it was much too soon for her to be called back to Heaven,
I am still so thankful that I got the chance
to hold Brahma one last time and to say 'good-bye'...
the chance I didn't have with Caesar.

Brahma was the best and the sweetest and the bravest bird for us...
she was never afraid of anything and fought with all her might for her life...
but God wanted another angel to fly in Heaven...
She will always have a very special place in our hearts!

In Loving Memory

February 2000 - June 20, 2001

Sadly missed by
Sabine and Venki,
Wotan and Winnetou,
and doggie-brother Lohy...
Until we meet again...
Fly high!


Angels have wings
and so does a bird
or so the Lord told me
and so I have heard

Brahma was sweet
and lived in a cage
she certainly was
young at her age

But sick she became
unlike any bird
she chirped ever so slightly
was called home, we concurred

So while she had wings
living here on Earth
now she has angel wings
and a new birth

She flies and she soars
and she isn't too far
she hovers above
shining light on moon's stars

So next time you feel
a breeze on your face
it's Brahma's wings
surrounding your space

You gave her a home
and did do your part
and now she shall fly
deep in your heart

This beautiful poem was written for Brahma and me by
one of my wonderful LOTH Sisters, Debi.
Thank you so much, Debi!
Your words really touched my heart...
Please refrain from taking this poem...
Thanks so much! :-)

It has been a year now since our sweet little angel-bird flew home to Heaven...
We miss you, Brahma, and think of you every day! :-)

Wind Beneath My Wings

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