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In Loving Memory

of all my other animals who shared
a period of my life with me and were called back to Heaven...
They will never be forgotten and loved always...


My Bettas

Muck 1996 - 1998
Wotan 1998 - 1999
Macbeth 1999 - Nov. 2000


My Gold-Fish

Scarlett Dec. 2000 - Jan. 2, 2001
Pimpernelle Dec. 2000 - Jan. 4, 2001


Venki's and my Bettas

Lady Macbeth June 1999 - Oct. 1999
Falkor Jan. 2000 - Nov. 2000


My Canaries
(I had them as a child)

Carl Leo I
Hansi I
Carl Leo II
Carl Leo III
Hansi II


My Hamsters
(my childhood-friends)





Some people might think that bettas and gold-fish are hardly worth mentioning...
they are much mistaken.
All of my/our fishies came to the aquarium-side closest to us when we came into the room,
swam towards music if we played some, and Macbeth and Falkor even let us touch them :-)
Macbeth travelled with us in the car on our move from Maine to California
and never had any problems on our journey.
Him and Falkor tragically fell victim to a freshly cleaned apt. complex water-tank with too much chlorine in it,
our land-lady only bothering telling us about it after it was too late...
both of them died within minutes of each other.
Venki and me both wish we wouldn't have cleaned their aquariums that fateful day...
then they still might be with us...
Scarlett and Pimpernelle, who were a Christmas present from Venki to me,
sadly were with us only a very short time...
We suspect that the water-tank was still responsible for their passing,
even though our land-lady had assured us it would be safe to have fish again...

We dearly miss all our wonderful, departed pets,
and look forward to being united with them someday at Rainbow Bridge...




Fields of Gold


Visit Caesar's Memorial

Visit Brahma's Memorial

Visit Ody's Memorial

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The Flower Images courtesy of the Santalady