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Ode to Ody

our beloved little hamster

You came to us in September 2000,
you went back home to Paradise
on November 23, 2001
We miss you, Ody!

Ody with doggie-brother Lohy and mommy

Our dear sweet Ody came into our lives in September 2000...
When we came home from shopping one evening, there was a cage standing in front of our apt. stair-case, with a note attached to it.
It said: "For free, please take care of him."
We at first couldn't see what kind of animal was in the cage, but as we peeked closer, a little quivering nose appeared in the entrance of the little sleeping-quarters inside the cage.
It was a little hamster! :-)
He then stuck his cute little head out and of course, we fell for him and took him in right away :-)
He took to us right away, too, always wanting to be close to us, interact and play with us :-)
We named him Ody, (short for Odysseus,) after the Greek mythology hero Odysseus, since he also had to master many adventures and odysseys before finally arriving in the safe haven of home :-)
Ody always got along well with his parakeet-brothers and sisters,
and when our dog Lohy came into our life,
Ody wasn't a bit scared of him :-)
When we held Ody in our hands and Lohy came to take a closer look to see who that was the first time they met, Ody wasn't scared at all, but just fearlessly stared back at Lohy! :-)
They got along great :-)
Ody moved with us from California to Texas and did great :-)
Over the last month, though, we noticed that
he was starting to slow down considerably.
We were fearing that his time to go back to Heaven was near, but were hoping that he could stay with us a little longer...
But it wasn't meant to be...
During the night from November 22 to November 23,
Ody went back to being an angel in Heaven...
To watch over us and to protect us until we someday will leave this earth, too... to be reunited with him
and all our loved ones, for all times :-)

A tiny ball of fluff was he
But how he won our hearts
Who would think such a little thing
Could play such major parts
But when we were sad or needed a friend
Ody was always there
He'd make us laugh at his funny ways
and wash away our cares
We surely miss the little guy
for he was more than pet
And all the love he shared with us
We never will forget.
~by Peaceful Warrior, my wonderful SGM sister,
who wrote this beautiful poem for Ody and me.
Thank you so much, dear sis! :-)
Pleae refrain from taking this poem! :-)
Thank you! :-)

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