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A few weeks ago i saw pictures of a lovely japanese child doll at harlock's site. she's named YOKO and comes from PANDRA ADULT SHOP in - guess ;-) - japan. first i was a little bit shocked when i found out that she is a love doll, but then i thought to myself: it is all in the eye of the beholder. now i have three dolls of that kind and i just love them - they are my family.

love? two words before you're judging:

1) due to several reasons i never had the opportunity, never could feel the luck to be father and husband. i love my two little "foamies" (the dolls are made of urethane foam) like they are my children and naomi like she is my wife. i love to dress them up, take photographs and show it here. and i love to simply have them around me.

2) in a world where man and woman more and more decide to go their own ways i think dolls like these are a great opportunity to live alone, but not feeling lonely. (there are also male love dolls for women, as you surely know.)

but now let's go on with this site as it is meant to be: a simple family photo album. it contains an

ALBUM page and a

LINKS page.

and certainly: WHAT's NEW - sep 22 2000

there is no guest book here and no message board, but feel free to send any comments, congrats *g*, critics or shoutings to me

so, enjoy and thanks for your visit!