
Official Sites


PoisonWeb - The official Poison site ,  - Their own personal sites - They have the same merchandise that you see at the concerts for about half the price!!

Rock and Roll Fantasy Camp - Bret has participated in this; for 5 days or so you get to hang out and jam with some of the world's greatest rock idols.


Past Tour Partners


1999 tour - LA Guns ~ Great White ~ Ratt

2000 tour - Slaughter ~ Dokken ~ Cinderella

2001 tour - Enuff Z' Nuff ~ Quiet Riot ~ Warrant

2002 tour - Faster Pussycat ~ Winger ~ Cinderella

2003 tour - Skid Row ~ Vince Neil (no official solo site)

2004 tour - Kiss


Fan Sites


PopTopix is a massive network of music fans and the sites they've made for their favorite musicians, and this is the link to a portal dedicated to Poison -

Here are two of the most informative fan sites that I know of:

Poison Online (currently not functioning)  & Poison Web Page

The following links are taken from the Open Directory Project The list has dwindled somewhat since the last time I updated my links. If you have a site not mentioned here be sure to drop me a line. New ones are in yellow.



Poison Tribute Bands

If you have a Poison tribute band send me your link, I'd be happy to post it. - A NYC based tribute band



Non-Poison Sites - One of the best urban legend debunkers out there. Before you forward that e-mail chain letter about the missing girl, or war rumors, check with them first. Chances are it's a load of crap. and Computer Virus Myths Page- Learn about which computer viruses are real and which ones are just bulsh*t.

Crocodile Hunter - G'day mates! The homepage of my favorite animal loving husband and wife team Steve and Terri Irwin.

Care E-cards - by using's free e-card, e-mail, news, search, shopping area and other services, you generate donations (derived from advertising revenues) to non-profit environmental organizations.

Petaonline - Don't be cruel, visit this site for cruelty-free recipes, cosmetics, household products, and charities.

Animal Concerns - Has links to everything you want to know (and some things you don't) about animal rights

FreeLotto - You really do win with this one. I have won several times for small amounts and they send checks quickly even if it's just for a dollar.

Guess the Dictator or Sitcom Character - Weird but entertaining game where you pretend to be a sitcom star or a dictator. You are asked several questions and then it guesses who you are (it's almost always right!)


  September 11th related - Has a complete photo and news archive of the Attack on America

F* - Large collection of humorous anti-Osama photos... Warning some photos might be considered offensive by those who are politically correct prudes

Above is an actual picture taken during the summer of 2001. Visit to read more about it.