July 6, 2000
Poison/Cinderella/Dokken/slaughter at Montage mountain, Scranton, PA
Well, this was the last show for me. Even though I had seen them 3 times this year, I was still sort of sad that this was it.
I was actually able to find a small review for this one. It's not really a bad review, but it's sort of insulting at the same time. I don't remember any Dokken songs that were about bagging cheerleaders either.
The arena was just built this year so I was expecting it to be really nice. The roof was a weird kind of tent structure that was pretty impressive, other than that though, I was kind of disappointed. There was only one way in and out of the arena that I could find so anytime you wanted to go to the bathroom or get something to eat, you had to wait in a big line to get out. The spaces between rows were way too small - It was hard to walk between them when the seats were empty let alone when someone was sitting there. I was glad to see they had regular bathrooms now instead of port-o-potties (ick!!).
We totally missed Slaughter. Not because we were late, but because the venue decided to screw a lot of people over by starting the show 1/2 an hour early. We were making the long trek from the car to the arena when we faintly heard "Up All Night" echoing off the surrounding mountains. Now I'm not Slaughter's #1 fan, but it still pissed me off that we missed them through no fault of our own.
We just got to our seats when Dokken started. We were standing up to cheer them on when some jackass tapped my boyfriend on the shoulder asking him to sit down so that he could enjoy the show. Some people have got brass ones!! Just after that is when Don asked everyone to stand up and come down to the front. That was cool, we wound up being really close.
Back to our seats for Cinderella. They added "Push, Push". Once again they sounded great.
What ever happened to the "Glam, Slam, Kings of Noise" intro that Poison used to use? Pretty much everyone stood on their seats as soon as Poison came on, which is not an easy thing to do when you're sort of buzzed. Also, it's hard to keep your balance when you're screaming so loud that you make yourself light-headed and dancing to the music at the same time. Why security was letting this happen was beyond me. If you tried something like that anywhere else, they would have made you get down, but not here.
During CC's solo time, he told everyone that they should run out and buy the Samantha 7 CD or he's going to start doing drugs again. Then he said "boy it's sure nice to be here in this big white acoustical tent !!" (referring to the odd "roof" over the arena. Everyone was laughing. Before I knew it, the show was over and CC stage dived into the crowd. Bret and a roadie had to pull him out.
We and a few other Club Rockett members were led outside after the show to where the tour bus was. We waited for a while and CC, Bobby, and Bret all were walking around in the same area. I saw CC go past and I really wanted to say something so he'd come over but he looked like he needed to be somewhere and I didn't want to be a pest. One of these days I really hope to meet him.
Bobby walked by a couple of times and then he stopped and came over to talk to us!! We shook hands and then he proceeded to scream at Brian for wearing a Dokken shirt - "What the fuck are you wearing a Dokken shirt for!?! You should be wearing a Poison shirt!!" It was really funny. He also asked if we had a good time. We said "Of course we did!" to which he replied "'Good answer cause if you didn't say that, I'd have to kick your ass!" I can't believe we actually got to meet him! Too cool!!
Big John came out to get us and took us to where Rikki was. Brian said I walked right past Tom Kiefer - I had no idea, guess I was still in shock about Bobby. Rikki greeted us, and we sat down. He was busy talking to some wrestler guy with blue hair so I didn't want to pester him to take a picture, besides that, I'd gotten to hang out with him 2 times already which is more than what some people got. He split kind of suddenly so I didn't get to say see you next time, oh well.