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My Little Pony School
w/ Butterfly

The bell is ringing... it is time for school! My Little Pony glides on the slide and joins his friends in the playground. Desks, notebooks, pencils--all you need for school! You can really write on the magic black board! The school opens as a classroom! The bell rings! The cuckoo comes out of the clock!

Name: Butterfly
Type: Pony Magic Playset
Symbol: pink butterfly
Body: yellow
Forelock: none
Mane: pink
Tail: pink
Eye Color: lavender
Crystal Color: green
Comments: This version of Sky Skimmer is apparently male. The school and accessories are also the same as the ones used in the G1 line.
Accessories: pink schoolhouse, 2 desks, 2 notebooks, 2 pencils, 2 rulers, xylophone, 2 drum sticks, globe, glasses, toy on a string