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Royal Wedding
w/ Princess Morning Glory
& Prince Clever Clover

Let's celebrate the royal wedding of the beautiful Princess Morning Glory and the handsome Prince Clever Clover.

Name: Princess Morning Glory
Type: Castle Best Friend
Symbol: blue flowers
Body: pink
Forelock: none
Mane: lavender
Tail: lavender
Tinsel: silver
Eye Color: blue
Crystal Color: pink
Comments: special symbol rings appears with cold water


Name: Prince Clever Clover
Type: Castle Best Friend
Symbol: green clover
Body: blue
Forelock: none
Mane: light blue, dark blue, and purple mixed
Tail: light blue, dark blue, and purple mixed
Tinsel: silver
Eye Color: aqua
Crystal Color: clear
Comments: special symbol rings appears with cold water

Accessories: veil, two rings, wedding cake, slice of cake, crown, cape, and white comb