
wate for it
Hi, my name is Andrea. I have brown hair- I have hazel eyes-Green contactsIm now out of HighSchool!!! THANK GOD!!!~~yeah rite i wish i was back there, the real world sucks. Oh yeah well im out school Graduated in 03 so thats ummm 3 years (im good in math-lol).Rite now im going to a tech school for small engine repair...hehe...im gonna be a Mechanic!!!yay!!!Ummm...I never had many friends in school,but the ones i did have i dont really talk to now-wish i did. I like to play on the computer, i enjoyed hacking with some guys from school and Russ, Leo, Ben, Bash, Pino, and a few others who would join in-i miss hacking .i like Movies, malls-, and taking pictures-I wanna be a photographer Look at my Work. Ummm I live with my mom In trenton NJ,trying to move out of the nest and be my own person.My dads not around any more we use to go fishing and watch wrestling like all the time...