Tine after Tine

A compillation of poems that were born
out of savage criticism, most often ignored by a collection of poets
as they ate salad, cheesecake and olives on the side
at the Beechwood Café in Jersey City
Poets in order of appearance:
Mary Elizabeth Cremen
Maureen Linden
Joe Jacovino
Bill Rood
Jacqueline Hallenbeck
Daphna El-Roy
Beth Bentley

44 poems in total
$5.00 in person
$7.00 (including S/H) anywhere in the US
E-mail me if interested
Introduction (c) Beth Bentley
Cover picture (c) Bill Rood
Chapbook (c) Jacqueline Hallenbeck
Site updated: 3/1/11
Email: jey3858@aol.com