~ Duncan Sparks~ |
Alignment | none/mercenary |
Class | EX-Soldier |
Age | (sapien)21 years? -(vulpes)3 years? |
Gender | Male |
D.O.B | ?/?/80 |
Birthpalce | True Birthplace Unknown |
Breed | Red Fox/Artic Fox |
Blood type | O negitive |
Height | (Sapien)5'4" - (vulpes)unknown |
Weight | (Sapien)115lbs - (vulpes)45lbs |
Accent | N.Y. |
Description |
Upper |
Attitude | N.I.B{Not In Battle}-
Slightly Agressive towards others and seldom makes any commotion. Duncan keeps to himself and remotely speaks unless spoken to. Duncan uses a hard edged attitude as a front to cover up a more understanding and kinder side of himself that he thinks others will not to take him seriously for. When he warms up to you or if your troubled by something, Duncan becomes more of a freind and caring companion. In Battle- Duncan's agressive nature comes into play when he's on a mission. He's quite sly and can easily outsmart his aponents, and keep at a safe distance when things get tricky. His Agressiveness also can become rebellious at times, due to his former employment with GEN-Par. But he is loyal, and takes to his orders with presision and timing... And slight sarcasim at times ;P |
Past | One day, A villager that was returning from a day of fishing saw a furry animal laying in the woods, Carefully walking up to it he noticed that the young fox cub was starving and nearly dehydrated. Taking a long cloth he wraped the young cub and took it back to the village. Time passed and the fox cub became like a pet to the eldery fisherman and his wife, who spoiled him completely. They decided to call him Duncan, which was the first name of the Villages Mayor. As more time passed Duncan became quite healty and he was used to his suroundings and would roam the village grounds freely. That was...until one day. Duncan slept in late as usual which he seemed to enjoy when a unusual sound woke him from his slumber. He trotted out the door to see what was going on. Outside, soldiers were grouped about the village square, in conversation with the townsfolx. To Duncan, they seemed to be needing information about someone or something, which forced him closer to the action. Commotion was everywhere, and it gave the young fox a erie feeling of uneasyness. The Mayor was talking to strong, broad soldier, who seemed to be the alpha male of the pack. He seemed crude, and sly; a manipulatior of such. during a conversation, one of the guards looked over and noticed the red fox mix and went over to the alpha male, they both took one look at Duncan and the alpha male started to resume talking to the Mayor. The conversation soon became a heated arguement which made Duncan nervous. But before it got any worse, the alpha male backed off, gathered the rest of his pack and began to leave. As they did, the alpha male took one look at Duncan and sneered a devilishly clever grin. After the soldiers left, things seemed to cool down and become normal again. Later on that night Duncan layed by the fireplace and was almost fast asleep when he suddenly smelled something out of the ordinary.looking around for his human companions, he found that they were missing. Duncan immediately lept outside to see in his shock that the whole village was ingulfed in flames. He began to run in fear for his life until suddenly he was stoped dead in his tracks by a robotic figure, that looked almost like they were. The last thing Duncan saw as he turned around was the soilder that grined at him lift his arm and strike him unconcious........ |
Powers | Duncan Has great skill with T.I.(Tactical Infiltration) He has Adept agility, speed,great hearing capabilities, and built in Night vision (foxes are nocturnal). |
Weapons | 10' Broadsword, (silenced)SOCOM pistols |
Armor | light body armor |