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RTHS Class of 1983
Reunion RSVP and Registration

We would like to know what's been happening since graduation and if you will be attending the reunion events.   Please answer the following questions and send your responses to the Reunion Committee by using the Submit button below.  We will post some of the information on the class page here or at our yahoo group.

Please provide the following contact information:

Name (include Maiden name if different from HS)
Street Address
Address (cont.)
Zip/Postal Code
Work Phone
Home Phone
Cell Phone
May we share your email address on our web site? Yes   No

Will you attend :

Friday Evening Casual Mixer at T & T Tavern
Evening Dinner on Saturday, August 9, 2008

How many people will be attending the events?

If you are bringing a guest on Saturday evening, please provide their name below.

Are you married?


If yes, how long have you been married?

How many children do you have?

What have you been doing since graduation?

Share a favorite high school/80's memory.

What was your favorite song in High School?

Who was your favorite artist or group in High School?

What is your favorite song now?

Who is your favorite artist or group now?

Who would you really like to see at the reunion?

We would like to take a moment to remember those classmates who have passed away.
If you know a classmate who has passed away, please provide their name below.

**Don't forget to send your payment after you submit your RSVP!!

The Wired Cafe.
Copyright © 2002 reunion team. All rights reserved.
Revised: The last time someone told me something was wrong!!!