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Sabrina, Yeah She's Cool

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Oh so you wanted to see me?
That's awesome.
This is a site dedicated to myself. I hope you enjoy reading about my life and interests and all that jazz. I'm sure you won't, but that doesn't matter! My name is Sabrina. That is good. Look at my site. It is great. Have fun.

Much love,

P.s. My Aim Screen Name is SabrinaAmidala and my yahoo username is SabbyVericose and my icq # is 44024432.

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The Rest of the Site.....

I'm the boss. Need the info. (About me)
Peek-a-tours of Me... (pics)
Peek-a-tours of Friends (& me)
All the Other Peek-a-Tours
Eeennntereeesssttttinnngg (my interests)
All in the family! (My friends)
My Masterpieces! (No, not KFC.)
Cool Places To Go
News Brief!
Read My LiveJournal!

Top 3 Reasons To Come Here
