Riley's Big World-Wide Web Page
Riley's life as spoken by Riley himself..
- Age 0: I was being born in 1996. I was crying like a baby.
- Age 1. I was crying like a baby.
- Age 2. I was STILL, crying like a baby.
- Age 3. I went to the store. And I asked my mom for a chocolate egg. And she said no. And I then I stole one. And then we paid for everything and I kept it in my pocket. And we went back to the car and I told my mom and she told me to go back inside and apologize and give it back.
- Age 4. Going to preschool for the first day. I had a great time.
- Age 5. I went to kindergarten at orange elementary. There I got my first desk.
- Age 6. I went to California for the summer and had the most best time of my life.
- Age 7. Went to California for the summer again and had an even better time. And here I am today at age 7 still going to orange elementary. The first day in California has been struck.
The End
Fart! Excuse me.
Photos from Riley's second big trip to California
- Photo Here we are, hand feeding tortilla shells to the orange and blue fish up at the park.
- Photo Oh yes, that wonderful flying air pressure powered plane!
- Photo Oh, and now Dad is trying to get that nice plane back from the tree!
- Photo Fishing, fishing, fishing out in the sea.
- Photo Riley caught lots of crabs, too. Especially with the help of that nice lady and her net.
- Photo First trip to the beach, right before he was swept out to sea..and almost eaten by a big shark!
- Photo A night outside checking out the stars with the telescope.
- Photo One of the great images of the moon we managed to capture.
- And here is Mr. Riley in his space suit getting ready to go to the moon.
- Photo Here is Riley getting ready to touch-down on the moon!
- Photo In full gear getting ready for the pool.
- Photo Look, it's Riley the fish!
- Photo "Customizing" a bike to make it Riley sized.
- Photo Ready to try out the new and improved Riley-cycle.
- Who is this funny guy playing the guitar?
- Photo Wait, who is this funny lady?
- Photo Here is everyone getting ready to go out for a bike ride.
- Photo Eating a nice bean burro and some carrots of course!
- Photo Looking pretty exhausted after a long day at the beach.
- Photo A wonderful view on Tank hill in San Francisco.
- Photo Another nice photo up on Tank hill.
- A great day to go for a ride in a paddleboat in Golden Gate Park with Evie.
- Photo Oh boy! Skull making time at the California Acadamey of Science!
- Photo Trying to make an earthquake-proof LEGO structure.
- Photo Spent a lot of time at the aquarium exhibit..
- Photo A HUGE sun-star!
- Riley has many many questions for everyone at the museum.
- Photo Everyone riding on the cat (bear?) statue.
- Photo Finally got in on that piggy-back ride.
- Photo Cookie time!
- A group shot, almost time head back to Iowa : (