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The Josh Hartnett Page

Hey this is my page dedicated to the cutest guy out there...ha ok I'm twelve. But really...he's cute.

Here are some great quotes of his...

"No matter how famous I get, I'll still live the life I want." -Josh on fame

I find intellegence attractive. Then there are those certain girls that just glow. You just know they're right. But I don't have a set list to find a girl. It doesn't work like that." -Josh on Love

"If you're going on the freeway, you get to the place you want to a lot quicker, but you don't see the surrounding area. I've taken the side streets pretty much my whole life, so hopefully that'll work out." -Our wise Josh on perspective

"Guys think of love as a feeling - if you do something wrong, you can still love somebody. So, guys are always screwing up and then saying, 'But I love you!'" -Josh on Love

"I'm not good at asking for dates. I wait for them to make their move!" -Josh on asking dates

"I've had my heart broken, and it's not fun. But I'd rather have my heart broken than break someone else's heart." -Josh on feelings

"I work out maybe once a year. I prefer painting and listening to jazz. I think I'm bohemian." -Josh to Teen People in '99

"I spend to much time figuring out what's right and what's wrong and I don't just do things." -Josh to Teen People in '00

He sure is cute!