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Ah, the 80's. My idyll of childhood. Maybe other late-teen and twentysomethings out there will agree that, love it or hate it, the 80's was one of the greatest times in history to be a kid. We had some of the best music (and some of the worst), the best toys, and of course, the best cartoons.

This is my tribute to all my fellow darkling spawn of The Decade of Decadance, and a cultural-sociological exloration into the era that gave birth to Goth (along with the late 70's), the nationwide 'Satanic Panic', & some of the the best damn cartoons. Goonies forever.

Yes, that perky little girl who adds color & sunshine to a dreary world in the cosmic Zoroastrian battle between the forces of Light & Darkness. She also likes to sing.

Apparently the High Priestess of a small monastic New Age retreat called 'Rainbowland', Brite & her cheerful do-gooder mages, the 'Color Kids', fight archetypal villians such as Murky & Lurky, and The Dark Princess.

An interesting rogue 'Color Kid' is the elusive Stormy. Not even Rainbowland is completely polarized to the forces of Light & Cheer, it seems. Stormy brings Winter to the earth, likes to play among the rainclouds & bring storms, & doesn't apparently have a ray of sunshine up her arse like the other Color Kids. Stormy is clearly the Gray Magician of the group.
Strawberry Shortcake

Clash, of The Misfits!

The Princess of Power & The King of Trickle Dick Economics

more coming soon...

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