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... "On August 18, 1973, Sally Hardesty, her invalid brother Franklin, and their friends fell afoul of a bizarre cannibalistic clan of serial predators. Ms. Hardesty was the soul survivor of that night. She died in a private health care facility in 1977. A single member of the murderous 'family' lived to see trial. The prosecution recorded his name as W. E. Sawyer. He died in the gas chamber in 1981. The jurors concluded that 'Leatherface', presumed to be an unapprehended killer, was in fact an alternate personality of Sawyer's, activated whenever he donned a crude mask made of human flesh. If there was no Leatherface in reality, then Sally Hardesty may at last rest in peace ... if there actually was a Leatherface, he remains at large, and the so-called 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre' ... ... was only the beginning". Made in 1990 by New Line Cinema. Stars: Ken Foree, Kate Hodge, Viggo Mortensen, William Butler, Toni Hudson, Tom Everett, and R. A. Mihailoff. Writer: David J. Schow / Director: Jeff Burr. This is probably the second best one of the series. In this one, two rich California kids are delivering a car to one of the kids' (Hodge) father in Orlando, FL. The two don't really like Texas very much, but when a mishap at a desolate gas station with the attendent, get's a hitchhiker killed, the hunt is on by the murderous Sawyer family who they made very angry. Now the kids aren't worried about getting out of Texas, it's getting out alive. There is an UNCUT version of this film, that contains several more scenes, and longer ones of the scenes already in the film. There's also more gore, and an alternate ending. Although I prefer the ending in Theatrical Cut. Both cuts of this film were was an attempt by the New Line Cinema Corparation, to slasher-rize "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" films. After the extreme success of other slasher series such as "Friday The 13th", "Nightmare on Elm Street", and "Halloween", New Line wanted to try it with "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre". Although I loved this film, and thought it was a genious idea, it looks like it never got off the ground unfortunately. Last of the "real" TCM films. I give it 3.5/4 - Very Good

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