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The "Corey Storey"

*This Is A True Story - By Amy*

*The Pic Looks Like $hit Cuz I Had To Make It Smaller*

It all started one fateful evening... July 20, 2001 to be exact...

My two wonderful friends, dana and nicole :::applause:::, and I traveled to Hollywood's Key Club to celebrate Corey Feldman's 30th birthday... We arrived @ the club @ 7 p.m., or a tad bit earlier, and ended up being the first people in line, which seemed suspicious to me at the moment, but I shrugged it off... I asked to use the bathroom, and as I came out, I could tell my friends were hiding something, and they wouldnt tell me! Finally the guy working there told me as i was buying a ticket for the show, that Corey would not go on until 10:15, but alas, @ 10 all people under 21 were being kicked out!!! This was at about 7, and the guy felt soo bad for me because I was crying, he let us all in for free... So, we went in, I cried for about 2 hours on and off, and i decided to hide in the lounge downstairs because it was dark and it was quieter... I go downstairs, and my friends were constantly looking for ways for me to stay, and finally Nicole asks this woman when Corey was coming, and it turns out in 15 minutes! She asked if we were fans, and I said yes and asked if there was anyway to get us backstage, and she said yes! So, she asked us to be videotaped for the E! news, which she was actually from!!! So, i said sure... we started picking a place to film, when someone comes in and says "Hes here! Coreys here!"... So, we walk into the room, and she (Pam Lewis) starts talking to him, and im just standing there thinking "This is Corey Feldman.. this is my idol, mentor, fave actor/musician, etc etc", and i say hello, that im his biggest fan, shake hands, hug, tell him im proud of him, and ask for a pic.. which i took! ... The whole time he looked straight into my eyes, and it was amazing! I started crying because I was so happy, but not like bawling (just the moist, teary eyed cry people experience when they are shocked/in a pure state of bliss).. and she began to interview him, WHILE I WAS STANDING RIGHT NEXT TO HIM!!! (I was wearing a maroon tube top, black pants, feather boa around my waist).. I must admit though, I am a bit retarded! They asked him if his bday was today, and he said he couldnt say and i said "No, its not!!"... Then i asked him if he could play a song for me, and he asked me which one, and i said "Backdoor Victoria" and he said no, we cant.. then i remembered! i think he played that one with his old band, and NOT the Truth Movement... So, then the woman interviews us, she asks us how long we had to drive, what we think of haim and feldman together again (HAIM WAS THERE, RIGHT NEXT TO ME, BUT I DIDNT SEE! i heard he looks like shit though, cuz hes addicted to painkillers, which the woman explained to me later)... Then Im crying more on camera which makes me seem even stupider and more annoying... I also saw a lady friend who was with him.. She was gorgeous but too damn skinny... and I met his roomate, whos a female... They live in the same city as me! The CITY IS NOT BIG!! Sooo woohooo!!! LoL, kinda getting shoved out of the place, but this one woman saw me being interviewed, and tried to get me backstage, but was unsuccessful, but oh well! OH!!!!! Also, I saw someone that looked exactly like him, and i said to him "are you coreys brother?" and he said "yeah.. we look alike, huh?" and i said "yeah" and shook hands with him.... He was really hot too! He's 21 :)!!! Anywho, it pretty much ends there.. After all that I now have a picture of me and Corey together, and a tape thats worth soooo much to me, of my first encounter too!!


P.S. Im also going to another concert of his on Sunday (August 19, 2001) which is for the re-opening of the Santa Monica Blvd... I finally get to see him in concert!!!

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