Brillo proudly shows her Kerbholz to everyone. A small-sized froggod is belching here #4 Jason Vorhees the Human #6 A strange looking tentacled lake creature #1 Armageddon the game crasher #1 an old wizard dressed in a rainbow colored cloak #1 #67 Fazid, the chief of mages #1 Mortis stands here behind the desk (almost undead) #1 Lord Zar #15 Alkarmir the banshee is wailing here eternally #2 Araudagul the Vampire Lord is a true Warlock #2 A towering demon, swathed in black #1 Rotahunt the Confessor #2 Zeltjin, the head warlock of Tiamat #2 Grandion, the HUGE black demon is the main servant of Moratar Cain #1 Kitiara the Dragon highlord #17 Therp the poor wiz. #1 Kech Lektar the EVIL necromancer is controlling undead #1 Lava lord, an extreme being created from pure lava #8 Araas, the beautiful Queen of Ice #10 the black reaver tracking some unfortunate soul #5 Aurak Draconian #2 Jane, the Goddess #4 Brillo the Wolfman my own worst enemy #1 Apocalypse, the world crushing demon #14 Fulgore Animal the Cyclops says Holz This, Bitch! #1 The ancient elemental Wyrm called Stifsim #1 Akira the aged Spirit King of Kara-Tur #12 Oogga, famed Barbarian Lord #3 Krystanimyth, the Dreaded Dracolich, the Ever Dragon #1 Backlash the Wolfman is a puppy! #3 Lord Foul sits upon his throne #10 Morden the Shadowman #14 a woman clad in black silk glaring at you in hostile manner #6 a man clad in black silk smiling at you in arrogant manner #6 Rechendak, the Elementalist, Lord of the Cloud and the Giants #6 Sivak Draconian #3 a wandering ghost of a tortured soul is here #1 Behemoth, a giant demon summoned forth by Iana stands here. #1 Inra the ancient Valheru archnecromancer is standing here #1 Moratar Cain the diabolic Archlich is the Lord of Strife #1 Zyll, Supreme Master of Ndoki and Sorcerer Extraordinarie #3 Skie the Blue Dragon looks lazily at you #7 Golux, the master conjurer of slime #14 Shade of Mithrandir the Druid GuildMaster #2 Henry Amberley, defender of the Amberleys #1 Yaboz Zobay, the ancient Maze Master #1 Asmodeus, the Overlord of all the dukes of Hell #6 huge glowing lava elemental #3 Tyranicus Karakurt the king of the lizard men #6 Lord Soth the Death Knight #6 Sable Bladetree, lord high ranger #3 Lolth, the demon queen of spiders #7 Grimoor, Lord of Ultimate Chaos #1 Dr. Kilrathi the evil cult leader #17 Baal-Naygash #1