Category: M&M

Author’s Note: The song is "He Loves Me", by Jill Scott. I suggest you pick the CD up. It’s awesome…I’ve been dying to use this song, for M&M, every since I got the CD. I found my chance tonight!


Another Michael and Maria fight? Not unusual for anyone familiar with them. It’s the same old thing. She has a gig, and he’s being all detached…so they argue. He tells her to back off. She tells him to stop being an ass…Give them a day or two, maybe just a few hours, and all will be well. Right? In the meantime, whom does she talk to about it? You guessed it…Liz!

Maria: I swear to God Liz. What is his problem? I mean, sure he did this unbelievably romantic thing for me in Vegas, but then we get back here and BOOM! He avoids me. I can’t understand him!! And when I told him about the concert on Friday, he just waved me off. He’s really trying my patience!

Liz: Calm down Maria. I don’t know what to tell you. Maybe he’s going through something.

Maria: Going through something? Like what…menopause! Just…I don’t know. Forget it! See ya later Liz.

Liz: OK Maria. I hope everything turns out OK.

Maria: From your lips…


Just around the corner Pam Troy and her band of Sheep were listening in on the whole thing…

Pam: I don’t see why she bothers with him anyway. He’s a big nothing if you ask me.

Sheep1: I know what you mean. Guerin’s a big waste of time. She should just dump him. I don’t get it. The hair alone would’ve kept me away.

Sheep2: I know. What’s with his gel anyway?

The Sheep baa'd about that for a long time…


Meanwhile, around another corner…Mr. Nobody himself… He heard the whole Liz/Maria conversation, and the Sheep baa'ing merrily thereafter. He wonders why Maria bothers too. Maybe he should just leave her alone. She deserves better…

Liz, having heard the conversation, is just about to say something when the Sheep in question walk off. As she turns the corner, she spies Michael skulking off, looking depressed…Oh my god, she thinks. I bet he heard that. I better go tell Maria what just happened…


Later during lunch…

Maria: Hey Liz

Liz: Hey…Look, I have something to tell you. It’s about Michael.

Maria: What has the Spaceboy done now?

Liz: Nothing. It’s about something he heard. Something bad.

Maria: What Liz?

Liz: After we talked this morning, and you left, Pam and her MB’s were talking about him. They must’ve heard us.

Maria: Oh yeah, and what did those geniuses have to say…

Liz: Well, they were saying some nasty things about him. They called him a big nothing, and a waste of time. They said that you should dump him.

Maria: WHAT!

Liz: Yeah, and Michael…well, he heard them…

Maria: What! Those Bitches! What right do they have to bad mouth him? NONE! What did Michael say?

Liz: That’s the thing…uh…he didn’t say anything. He kind of walked off, looking depressed. He didn’t even see me there.

Maria: That’s it! They are mine. No one makes him feel worthless. Do you hear me Liz, NO ONE!!

Liz: Yeah, I thought you’d want to know. I think he’s feeling really bad. And you know

Michael; he’ll never admit that.

Maria: Damn right, I’d want to know. You’re right, he won’t say anything, but I’ll show them. Thanks for the info Liz. I have a little payback to plan…

Later that night Maria went to talk to Alex. Her payback plan involves him, and she needed to kick it in gear by this Friday…Alex loves this plan!


Friday night was finally here, and Maria hadn’t talked to Michael since Monday. She really wanted to talk to him about what he’d heard, but every time she tried, he’d walk off. She didn’t take it personally; she knew his reasons. Michael doesn’t like to admit it, but what other people think of him, really does matter. Maria knew he was feeling really bad. She just hoped he’d come to the concert tonight. The whole plan was depended upon it. She was planning to kill two birds with one stone, and Michael’s lack of confidence was one of those birds…


Meanwhile in Michael’s apartment…

Max and Izzy are trying to convince Michael to go to Maria’s concert. They know what happened with Pam and her Sheep. In fact, it took all that she had, and finding out about Maria’s plan, to stop Iz from ripping them new ones…

Isabel: Come on Michael. She expects to see you. You can’t do this to her.

Michael: I’m not doing anything. She doesn’t need me there. You’ll all be there. I doubt she’d even notice.

Isabel: Do you even know this girl? Of course she’ll notice. Stop being a jackass and let’s go.

Michael: NO!

Max: Come on Michael. I know you want to hear her sing again. You know how important these things are to her. You’re gonna hate yourself in the morning…

Michael: No Max, I’m not. Just go, and leave me alone.

Max: NO! You’re going and that’s it!

Michael/Isabel: WHAT!

Max: You heard me. You’re going. We’re all going. She’s our friend, and she needs our support. So stop all the brooding bullshit, and let’s go!

Michael: Fine! But as soon as she finishes, I’m gone!

Max: Whatever!

Whew! That was like pulling teeth. Poor Maxwell had to get a little rough with him…at any rate they went to the concert. They even had front row seats, another thing very crucial to the plan. Just so happens that Pam and her Sheep also had front row seats. Reserved…

I wonder how that happened…


Backstage, Maria was getting pretty nervous. She hadn’t seen Michael come in yet, and she didn’t know what she’d do if he didn’t show. The resident Bitch Squad was already seated... Just as she was about to make her billionth trip to the curtain, to see, Liz walked back with news of their arrival. Knowing that he was there, Maria was all set for what the night had in store…

MC: Ladies and Gentlemen, the Whits! …

Maria: Thank you, thank you. For our first song tonight, I wanted to make a dedication to Pam Troy, there in the front… Stand up for us Pam… Doesn’t she look lovely? Anyway, Pam and that band of Sheep, sitting there with her, seem to be a bit confused about why my man, is my man. I think he might be a little confused himself…well; I just wanted to clear some things up. For them, and for him…this is for you baby.

Music starts…

You love me...especial-ly different
Every time
You keep me, on my feet
Happi-ly excited
By your cologne,
Your hands,
Your smile,
Your intelligence…

You woo me,
You court me,
You tease me
You please me,
You school me,
Give me some things to think about

Invite me,
You ignite me,
Co-write me
You love me
You like me
You incite me… to
Ooh ooh ooh
Ooh ooh

Michael couldn’t believe what she was singing. Unbelievable. She loves him. He had no doubts about that to begin with, but now everyone knows. Why was he going to stay away from this woman? He must be nuts. Love like this doesn’t come around everyday, and especially not to him. He didn’t think he could love her more than he did, but he was wrong… Shit! She’s coming towards him…

You’re different and special in everyway imaginable
You love me from my hair follicles to my toenails
You got me feelin’ like the breeze
Easy and free and lovely and me

Awww when you touch me
I can’t control it
When you touch me
I just can’t hold it
The emotion… inside of me
I can feel it!

Ahh ahh ahh ahh
Ahh ahh…

He was dying, that he knew for sure. He was dying, and he didn’t even care. His whole world just shifted, and he was knocked off his feet…all of a sudden the whole place erupted in applause, bringing him back to reality. Maria leaned over and kissed him. She turned and gave the Sheep a little smirk, and went back on stage. The Sheep in question, still stunned by her initial comments, got up and left immediately…

Mission accomplished!

MC: The Whits Ladies and Gentlemen…


Backstage Maria was getting all kinds of high fives from the band. Liz, Iz, and Max all came back to congratulate her on her success, in more ways than one. She was so happy. The look on Michael’s face was enough to take her through her whole life floating. But where was he? He didn’t look mad. Sure, he looked surprised, but she thought he’d liked it. But he wasn’t there now. Where did he go?


After the gang left, and Maria got changed, she was planning to go over to see Michael. She had to make sure he understood why she did, what she did. It was for him. For the way he loves her, even though he pisses her off more often than not. Just as she was about to run out, and head to his place, she saw him sitting in the club. He was still in his same seat…

Maria: Michael…Michael, are you all right?

Michael: Yeah…I just…I don’t know what to say. Why…why did you do that?

Maria: I did it for you.

Michael: Why? And what was that stuff about Pam?

Maria: Well, Liz told me about what they said on Monday, and that you heard them. I’m sorry about that Michael. They had no right saying those things about you.

Michael: Yes they did. It’s all true. You could do so much better than me Maria...

Maria: NO! You’re wrong Michael. There is no one else in this world for me, but you. That’s why I sung that song. That’s what you do to me. I love you Michael.

Michael: I know, but…

Maria: No buts about it. I love you, and you love me. Sure, we get into arguments and stuff like that, but that's just us. That’s what we do…I wouldn’t trade you for the world Michael…

Michael: How did I get so lucky? Where have you been my whole life?

Maria: Right here. I’ve always been here Michael. We just weren’t ready for each other yet. But now we are. Now is our time. Nothing could break us apart…Nothing but us, and I don’t plan on letting you go…So…did you like the song?

Michael: God Maria. I loved the song. I couldn’t believe you were doing that for me, in front of everybody. I love you so much. I won’t be letting you go either…

You know what happened next. I don’t have to tell you…OK, I’ll tell you. They kissed. Long…and hard…and long…:)

The End

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